Being Polite...

Okay something I have noticed now is how many people just dont bother even responding to emails these days. Every time I get an email from someone wanting to break into the business or wanting work I will respond, even with a thank sbut no thanks.

But so many people don't... it's juts a general observation but hasn't email afforded us the chance to be ruder and lazier?

(And I get at least 25-100 of these a week!!)
I sometimes don't get back to people. But that's only if they email my hotmail account. I had my hotmail account since I was in grade 9, and had to get a new one because of the junk filter sucking. Also because it was, or something like that. I think it meant "star fire" in Tolkein Elvish. Mah! But either way, with this new email account, I've only had it for 3-4 years, and every day there's so much friggin junk mail finding it's way into my inbox.
I feel like I'm dragging a net through the internet swamp and collecting all sorts of crap along the way. But you think that's bad? My Superguncinema email has over 900 new messages. Globat squirrel mail sucks because it has no (working) junk box. But that's the email on my business cards!!!
So I'm like, either I print new cards and pay, or forward ALL of the mail to my hotmail account, and hope that IT'S junk filter will finish the job. And it works- I doubled my junk content going to my hotmail account, and all the real emails go to the junk box for Hotmail. So now I have to delete the junk in my inbox and check for mail in my junk box.

Like honestly, fuck email.
Well believe this or not but i actually have over 500 unread emails!!! The reason why its unread is because its just junk mail with people trying to sell me something, or saying that i have won £1 million on the Spanish lottery (scam) or its a bit of hate mail. Personally i do not have time to read such rubbish, however i always respond to what i find interesting, especially if its a commodity.
I use boxtrapper spam trap on an outlook account on my own server. It gets 95% of spam and cut down junk from 100 a day to 5 or 6. I dumped hotmail etc because they even manage to get junk when you never give it out
I have a very good male friend whom I send audition notices to, leave voice mail messages about jobs with requests to call me for more info, etc., and he NEVER calls or emails to thank me, NEVER returns the favor to let me know about jobs. My women friends? ALWAYS return phone calls when asked, follow up job leads, forward emails about opportunities, etc.

So, is it more of a guy thing? This lack of common courtesy? :hmm:

(M M L, you may be the exception to the rule)
No its the opposite with me, if someone does not turn up on set or fails to respond to my messages its nearly always an actress!
Unfortunately... Or fortunately... Not sure which...

Most of the communicating I do these days is via email so it's hard for me not respond...

All I can say is THANK GOD for Gmail... Easily the very best SPAM protection I have ever encountered. I've even gone so far as to forward ALL my domain email accounts to a Gmail account and then go into the SETTINGS and set them so that whatever email I reply back to is sent FROM the same email account it was sent to.

No more deleting spam... I love it.

I've even gone so far as to forward ALL my domain email accounts to a Gmail account and then go into the SETTINGS and set them so that whatever email I reply back to is sent FROM the same email account it was sent to.
Holy crap I did the same thing. I actually had a network security friend tell me but it works wonderfully for me too.
So your scheme relies on anonymity and obscurity to work; how is this polite?

Of course, any email I see sent to me that purportely originates at my box goes immediately in the your scheme works perfectly at getting your replies ignored.