archived-videos Behind the scenes with Lance

Hello dudes and dudettes,

I haven't seen much action in the screening room recently...

Lance was in LA (if you're from the Philippines, you should know who he is) for a photoshoot. This video clip "documents" some of that...

This will be used as promo material on TV in the Philippines.

QuickTime format, 15MB, 2m:25s

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I filmed and edited the video.
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Great stuff, Flaviu! Five minutes ago I would have said a behind the scenes video of a Male Model photo shoot held no interest for me, but this was excellently shot and edited. I watched it twice and enjoyed it in a strictly heterosexual way.

Mr. Poke, I'll post another link to something else you will certainly enjoy...

Mike! Hehe.

Jerboa, I shot this on me XL1S PAL.
DirectorX said:
Mr. Poke, I'll post another link to something else you will certainly enjoy...

Hold on let me go get my lotion...uh...I mean my Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. Yeah, that's what I meant. I'm manly.
