Beginner Camera

Hey everyone,

I am currently looking to go into indie film making with my brother and could use a little help. We are looking to make low budget (but professional looking) movies and i was hoping you could help me decide on which camera to get that would do the job.

I am currently looking at the Canon 600D and I was wondering if this would be a good choice and have the ability to fulfill our needs?

My brother has a degree in media broadcasting but unfortunately he hasn't done anything since gaining the degree and his methods are a little outdated, he borrowed a sony DSR-PD150p from a friend and although it's a nice camera, it's a complete hassle. It is a nightmare to connect up to the computer and i will have to invest in more parts also the audio chip is snapped and it would honestly be much less hassle to get a new camera :lol:
Canon 600D and I was wondering if this would be a good choice and have the ability to fulfill our needs?

But what are your needs? :hmm:

I have a 550D that's very similar to your camera. With the addition of extra lens selections, assorted lighting gear, handheld mounts & tripods, a myriad of tools for light-control, a capable camera partner, an affordable sound-guy with his own kit of sound-gear, some time, experience, patience, skill & experimentation... the 550D does quite okay by itself.

With that in mind, your 600D is able to take some amazing footage. The camera itself is fine. :)

I have to apologize for prematurely posting haha. I've went through the first few pages of this section and noticed that this question has been asked more than enough times :blush:

I appreciate the reply, thanks