archived-videos AWARD-WINNING "Normal Life" online

Good to know

Hey thanks for the feedback guys! Even if someone hates it, kept it comin'. The more response the better.

We'll wait a little while, then try and see if we can discuss the ending, message, story, etc.

"Isolation", "The Little Guy Kicks Ass", "Pinata" and "Tammy's Slumber Party" should all be posted on undergroundfilm within the next month.

Alter Ego Cinema

p.s. there was sound/music through the whole thing right? We didn't get any sound on our computer but we got it on other films. There should be non-stop noise through the whole movie (but no dialogue).
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Yes, there was sound/music.

I think I need to watch it a few more times, from start to finish. Flicks with a broken timeline always need more attention, to fully follow.
Cinematography is great but did not get the message. Maybe I will watch it one more time and see if I can get it. Good job though.

since it looks like this film has been pretty much viewed by everybody it's gonna get we're going to discuss a few things people have either asked or pointed out about the movie.

We have received many great responses by everybody about the cinematography and visual look. That is one thing Shane (the director) is big on, i.e. 'Isolation' wins 2 cinematography awards, well received by Visual Effects Supervisor Brian Jennings ('Man on Fire'), well received by Movies Online for cinematography, 'The Cold Heat' well received for it's cinematography by Microcinemascene, Shane wins Best Music Video award in Philly, etc., etc.

Shane works wonders in the editing room as he's been doing it his whole life. The only problem is that since it's so easy to just grab a camera and shoot stuff, we usually end up doing just that w/o a script or shot list or storyboards, in which case some things don't always come out that clear.

There is a whole history to "A Normal Life", it was originally a feature that was broken up into short films when it couldn't be completed. Those films include, "Pinata", "So, We Killed Our Parents", "The Little Guy Kicks Ass", "It's My Turn Bitch", "Lucifer's Mind", "The Snake's Kiss Good-Bye" and "Tragedy Rains". Several of these films will also be online soon at so you might be able to see connections between them.

But getting back to "A Normal Life", many things would have been clearer if it stayed as the feature. Yes, the brother was the one at the end doing the bad thing to his sister. The message and/or story was to explore the actual thoughts and feelings about being molested. To look at it through the point of view of the character, with akward imagery and disturbing, but confused feelings. It wasn't exactly supposed to have a message (although molestation is obviously horrible crime) and the story was that this everyday normal-looking family wasn't what they appeared. The original title of the feature was "Pinata", symbolic for what hides behind the masks that people wear?

Again, this would have made more sense if it was a feature and planned out better, but we're still very young and learning. We greatly appreciate people taking the time to watch and critique it and we'll let you know when more flicks are online. And no, the movie was not shot on film like some people have questioned. It was a Digital8 camcorder, but hey, it was great to hear it possibly looked like film!

Alter Ego Cinema
I'm glad you explained a few things. :)

I was fairly sure that that the theme was "regret"... but I see where you are coming from, now.

I still need to know what the girl stole from the kitchen drawer, before she hugs her mum. I'm guessing a pack of matches.
Yeah...the story wasn't clear (for obvious reasons that you posted)...

...I really liked it though. I am a believer that music can make or break half or most films, and you really took advantage of, not only great cinematography, but great editing and music. It really looks...not professional, y'all know what you're "artsy", but professional. Great Job.
Hey guys, thanks for the continuing feedback.
Yeah, that was matches she takes from the drawer. For some reason it was sped up, I can't remember why. A lot of the fast-mo was for style but in that particular case I'm pretty sure it was to cover up a mistake or something.

Also, a special thanks to everybody who's been watching it and voting. It currently stands at the 2nd most watched film on the site holding 4 1/2 stars out of 5 making it one of the top highly rated films as well. This is still such an amazing suprise since we were expecting people to hate it and/or not accept the style, so thanks again.

We'll let you know when "The Snake's Kiss Good-Bye" is online since you'll see tremendous similarities, as well as "So, We Killed Our Parents" (also footage from the original feature), which is basically the same thing as "A Normal Life" only told from an incredible sick and twisted exploitative POV using what would have been the alternate world of the characters if it remained as the original feature.