Avid and FCP won't recognize my FX1

Hey Forum.

Hopefully somebody can put my headach to rest.

I had a Canon Xl2 and edited on an Avid Xpress Pro version 5.

Now i have a FX1 that won't communicate with my Avid Xpress Pro or my FC Express HD. Its weird becuase the computer knows it there, and the editing software will allow VCR functions through it. But it won't capture HD.

Any Ideas?
Thanks to all.

What type of cable are you using to capture with? Just a thought, but if it's not a firewire 400 at least, that could be part of the problem.

Also, check your capture settings on your FC Express and make sure you're all set up correctly to capture HD. We use FCP Studio HD and I know it took a lot of monkeying around with the capture settings to finally get it to go. Once we got it, we just saved the settings and we haven't had to deal with it again. However, we were capturing off of the Canon H1 so I don't know how the FX1 might be different, and I'm not sure about differences between FC Express HD and FCP Studio HD.

In the capture window there's the device control and capture input settings and it was some combination of the 3 or 4 device control settings and the 7 or 8 capture input settings that ended up working.