archived-videos Authentics "Four Walls"

This is my first submitted music video, i have also done a few others and some experimental shorts as well but not submitted them. could you please review it and give me any pointers or tips, advice. this is for the band called the Authentics and was on a budget of around £150, please have a look and also sign up to my forum if you want to share your movies or shorts,or just chat.

The Authentics (four Wallls)

Matt Williamson

MYM Productions
Upvote 0
That was really well done. :cool:

Nice use of selective colouring, btw. Seeing that pop up a lot recently.

I really liked those creepy paper-mache puppets... well animated in ther b/w world, though they didn't really seem to have a story to tell at all.

Lots of energy and well-paced. Plenty of visual eye-candy to keep people interested. May have gone a bit overboard with the posterised live b/w effect.

Decent band too, though imo they need a new vox.

Video playing on Brit MTV or the like?
I'm wondering, why shoot on greenscreen if you're simply going to make the background black? Why not shoot it in front of a black backdrop and save yourself some trouble?

I would have liked to see more of the animation at the front of the video. The way it's setup now, that aspect of the video doesn't really take effect until about halfway through.

Impressive animation.

the reasoning for using a green screen and then converting it to black was that the overall effect is much darker and when using a black screen it tends to look like a black screen. the puppets were wire based then a hard setting plastic was used on top of newspaper. the narrative was simple the puppets were a representation of the bands thoughts which were trapped within the methaphor of "these four walls" and if you notice there is a merge from the real world (band playing) to the obscure world within there own minds which is shown with the colour merge from the blue effect to black and white scratched effect. i hope that clears up some confusion.

the puppets were a representation of the band trying to escape fromthere thoughts.

any other questions or queries dont hesitate to contact me or PM me.

thanks for your comments, and please spread it out to as many people as you think will be interested.