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Audacity BETA 1.3 now supporting VST's with full GUI.

Don't I feel like an uber-geek writing that title.

If you're a freeware cheap-ass like me you may be interested to know that Audacity, a popular sound manipulation program, now lets you load plug-ins direct without any extra files, and displays them with a full graphic user interface. I just tried it successfully on Spitfish. It's in BETA but seems fairly stable.

So if you can't afford Sound Forge or expensive sound software this is a fairly good package to get.

Enjoy, and long live the open source revolution!

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I hope they've worked on the interface a bit, not just the code chunks behind the scenes.

It's a little smoother looking than before, but only slightly. Still pretty basic. Reason this isn't.

Spitfish, Blockfish and Floorfish are three great freeware compression tools, but I guess they could work in any VST host.