Article Research (Documentaries)

i have found an article or two so far, but nothing capable of an interesting storyline for in depth research to begin the process of the documentary. Any article suggestions, or stories i should follow? Where should i look for articles?
The first step in finding subject matter for a documentary is to think about what you care about. A topic that you are passionate about or interests you will be the best, and this will vary with everyone. Myself, I have an interest in current events and public policy. So for me, investigative docs will be interesting. I am currently developing a plan for a doc that examines the root causes of terrorism and how it relates to US foreign policy.

I am a student and have access to a lot of sources for info. If you are a student the library is a great place for research. At my school I have access to the second largest online database in the US, books, newspaper articles going back decades, gov. documents, magazine articles, and a large map and video library. Some universities allow people to pay for access to the library system. It is a great resource that has more than most public libraries.

If you are trying to find any story that grabs your attention I would read a variety of newspapers from local to global. But narrowing down what you are looking for is the key. Trying to find something when you're not sure what you're looking for is tough. Hope this helps?

Lastly, if you could pick three topics that you are passionate about and feel others should know about as well, what would they be?