Arthouse Madness - How Much Can You Tolerate?

For example. Would you be able to watch a movie about clouds, or a forest, or some really crazy random sh!t if it was presented in a really stylish way with a really good score? Or would you prefer something a little more conventional? How much familiarity do you need?
You're comparing apples to oranges. They are both art, but it depends on what you are in the mood for, the Avant-Garde, or a good indie flick.
Well I mean I watch and make nature videos all the time, and yes they are beautiful to watch, but even still they usually have a theme. Experimental films that are just random have zero apeal to me.
I’ve been watching movies for too long. Conventional story telling methods are starting to bore me. Maybe the real problem is with my patience. I get tired of things very fast. In all honestly, I would much rather watch a commercial or a music video than most of the movies that have been coming out. Maybe that’s my calling. Maybe I should become a commercial or music video director. The chances for finding an executive who would be willing to help me fund some weird, off the wall, avant-guard fantasy film are so slim. But to answer my own question: The crazier the film the better. I consider Fellini’s Satyricon one of the greatest films ever made.
My two cents: whatever mood im in (same as indietalk) is what i watch. But sometimes if a film has no story line, it can be a little tough, but mostly what ever mood im in, thats what i'll watch!