Am I my biggest critic? I don't know how to answer that. On one hand, there aren't any flaws in any of my movies that anyone has pointed out to me that I didn't already see. So, in that sense, yeah, I'm my own biggest critic, because I can honestly say that I've seen every tiny weakness, long before anyone else ever pointed it out, and I see many weaknesses that nobody has ever pointed out.
On the flip-side, I don't let that stop me from feeling proud of my work. I've made a couple of sucky short movies, but for the most part, I'm genuinely really happy with the work I've produced, and I'm not at all self-loathing as a filmmaker. As a general rule, I enjoy watching my movies.
For me, it's EXTREMELY important that the process of making a film is FUN!!! Why else are we doing it? Honestly, if you don't find your productions to be fun, then I think you're doing something wrong. And I mean that for every level of the art -- from zero-budget newbies, to mid-level indie filmmakers, to Hollywood pros -- if you aren't having fun, then why the hell did you get into this?
So, to that end, even when I'm watching a movie I made that I despise, I can at least reminisce on the good times we had, the things I did right, and the things I did wrong. Highly-critical? Yes. Self-loathing? Absolutely not.