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Approaching Agents or Managers

I have two scripts I believe are ready to shop. They've been proof-read and fixed by English majors.

How do I approach agents or managers?

Call or e-mail?

If I e-mail; what's a good introduction e-mail look like?

I imagine if I call the basic question would be "Are you looking for new clients, accepting new material?"

I don't want to blow this. I know how many writers are looking for representation. I want to seem like I have a clue.


If you read Half-A-Heart how would your synopsis go?
A good email would look like any good query letter. There are lots of good examples of agent query letters online.

Lots of agents aren't accepting new clients, or only consider them via referral. Unless they have a website with instructions for sending queries (some ONLY want emails, others ONLY want faxes, etc.) the only way you will know how to approach them (and if they want new writers to approach them) is via a phone call. Just ask if they are accepting new clients and, if they are, whether they prefer queries via emails, letters or faxes, etc.

You probably know there is a list of WGA Signatory agents on the WGA website...


As for the synopsis, that'll depend on the agent. Some want them short and sweet, and some want them longer. You should have a one-paragraph, a one-page, a two-page, and a three-page synopsis prepared and ready to go.

Remember: In a synopsis, you CAN'T be coy, you've got to give it all up (or the important stuff, anyway), including the resolution. They're looking not only for what the story is about, but whether you know what the hell you're doing--do you hit major story beats and do characters change over time, etc.

Your goal in life, other than becoming rich and famous and making incredible movies and getting laid a lot, is to get them to request that you send the full script to them.

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A good email would look like any good query letter. There are lots of good examples of agent query letters online.

You probably know there is a list of WGA Signatory agents on the WGA website...



Buddy: A young woman searches for her mother, whom she was told died when she was a child.

Charles: I'm going to have to search them out. I had no idea about the list on the WGA website. I'll look at that also. THANKS.