Anyone wanna see some paintings of mine?

Until I get some animation clips online, I thought I'd show some of my paintings. You guys might recognize a couple because I've used them for past avatars.

I'll load some stills from a stop motion if you'd guys like to see. :)
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Those are brilliant. :cool:

Especially MetaTalk9.

More! More! More!
I've just been looking at these again, stunning. If I wasn't so broke at the moment I'd commision you to do a logo for my company.
bird, The first 2 remind me of Indian (india) paintings. the third one is a bit frightening. But i've always been a fan of pattern artworks. Reminds me of the late 60s (Beatles Sgt Pepper)

Nicely done. Not something I would hang on my walls unless I went 70s retro but nice to look at anyways.
Thanks guys! Encourages me to keep posting some do realize this could get REALLY ugly.

..will you be presenting more in a website format soon?
Naw, just going for storyboards and clips of the animation.

the third one is a bit frightening.
LOL! Yep, my work scares my relatives, too.

you to do a logo for my company.
Clive, I'll pm you.

In the mean time...'ugly is as posting does'. Here are some cel stills where the Snake Goddess statue slices a sacrifice (I've more shots to add but I think you can get a little idea of the action.
Sorry, tried to post these (together) here, but too many images.
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