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Anyone using NeoScene + HV20 + CS3?

As I aim to keep production/equipment/computer costs to a bare minimum and utilize what I have instead of rushing out buying the latest-greatest, I am eyeing Neo-Scene (from Cineform) for $129 as a workaround to getting non-jittery 24p from my HV20.

Is anyone here shooting in 24p with the HV20/30/40 and capturing with NeoScene (using the pulldown option) and editing in Premiere Pro CS3 and exporting to the web? If so, have you found the workflow easy to navigate? Are you pleased with results?

I did get a great email from product support at Cineform which basically put my mind at ease, but wanted to get some input from folks here who are actually using it.

Give it up the deets, yo! :cool:

Thanks in advance...