Anyone here into Bitcoin?

I'm not sure I'd get in on it right now, but it is interesting to think about as a currency tool for the future. If the OP is really interested in it, I'd recommend Jeffrey Tucker's videos on YouTube.
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Probably better off looking into one of the other (newer) options than trying to get into bitcoin now, you'd be WAY behind to power curve to get into bitcoin at this stage of the game.
I've looked at it… I have a wallet… I don't find the appeal other than a theoretical "Money of the people/ by the people/ for the people" type of thing. I got paid for some consultancy in bitcoin (don't care, I was doing it for free anyway). I can't spend it anywhere, I have to pay to convert to cash. It doesn't hold any extrinsic value for me, so it's just bits that technically mean something, but realistically, not that big a deal for me.
Mt. Gox bitcoin site disappears
Bitcoin prices tumbled to levels not seen in months on Tuesday after the popular bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox went blank amid reports that trading was halted earlier and that the website may have been deleted.

LMAO! :lol:

Alright, lettuce see where BC is today...

$460-ish :lol:

Alright, to figure percentage gain or loss start with WHERE YOU ARE divide by WHERE YOU WERE:
/ $850
= 54%, subtract from 1 equalling a 46% loss. :lol:

Or 46% gain if you wanted to short it. Not worth the hassle from the casual search for such I did.

Yet another reason to short (if worth the hassle to you):
'Pony' botnet steals bitcoins, digital currencies - Trustwave

I imagine this pig is going back down to around $100.
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I am aware of the existence of bitcoin. But I don't know anybody who uses it. To anyone who does, seriously, who are you, and how do you think this "currency" is even slightly stable?
I am aware of the existence of bitcoin. But I don't know anybody who uses it. To anyone who does, seriously, who are you, and how do you think this "currency" is even slightly stable?
IMHO, "people", you know, the faceless "them" and "they", are kind but stupid.

They really don't understand currency trade or valuations or much more than simple "above zero (ac)counting."
They think all debt is bad.
They think saving is good.
They think pork barrel projects are bad if they're in someone else's state but fine in their own.
That spending a million dollars on a car is bad but a million dollars on the poor is good.
That foreign aid is bad when there are starving Americans here. But they'll drive all around for the best bargains on tons of Chinese products.
They don't understand how our national debt affects the U.S. dollar's value and its direct impact on U.S. imports and exports and what that means for U.S. businesses.
They think "a strong dollar is good" because who wants a weak dollar?! "Ameri-cuh ain't weak!"
They have no concept of exporting U.S. labor value via the trade deficit.


It's not much better than a barter system. LOL! :lol:

P.S. And most Americans think it's good to NOT be dependent upon foreign oil/energy.
So let's consume all of our own finite resources first!
That'll leave us in a position of power in a few decades.
(How about you eat the food off everyone else's plate first before eating all of your own. Retards.)
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To be fair, in a lot of ways, barter is worth more than the dollar. ;)
Depending upon what time of day or month of the year it is. :lol:

$518, now.
Climbing out of the sewer.

$518 current today's (where we are)
/ $460 yesterday's (where we were)
= 12% gain.

That'd be pretty good if you were swinging a big enuf stick to make it worth the while. ;)
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