anybody in houston or austin? (AND questions about internships)

Hey guys.

I was just wondering if anybody did any film work in Houston or Austin? I'd like to work somewhere towards the end of summer or on weekends...

Also, I was thinking of submitting applications for internships to New Line Cinema and other companies...any thoughts or advice on this? It'd be great if I could go to LA for the 4 weeks before school starts.

Well, I'm in the Houston area, but not yet hiring or even working on anything other than my own projects and education at the moment. And when I do start shooting some small projects, there won't be any compensation other than food. I know that doesn't help you, but at least you now know you're not alone in Texas. :)

Pink Guy is also in Austin.

Houston has a fairly extensive film community that I am slowly researching and will eventually get plugged into. Austin had a bid for a very large production studio, but last I heard it was not going to happen. I was looking forward to that.
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Yeah I feel less lonesome here in the Lone Star State now. I'll do some research on the Houston film community when i get a chance

...but if you know some places off the top of your head, please let me know.

I wish Austin had a production studio, that would be sick.
I just recently found these folks:

Houston Film.

It looks like a good local resource for me for both talent and crew. Plus, they are like-minded individuals making independent movies. It's a fairly new group.
Yeah it looks ok. Contacts are always good, but I wish they did more. Are you going to attend the storyboard meeting next month?

Sorry for the late reply. Just got back from California. Spent the weekend in Tahoe.

I might go to the storyboard meeting just to see who shows up and to start making contacts, but I am already familiar with the storyboarding process. They may present a new perspective. Who knows.
Mista, there is a meet in Houston on the 12th of August. It's a Tuesday, though, so it may not be convenient for you. Let me know if you want to know the details. It looks fairly casual.

I did a scan of some of the member profiles, and there are more among them than just indie filmmakers. Several are working professionals covering all aspects of production.
Sorry for such a late response. I'm going back to Austin soon, maybe next time.

By the way, VPTurner, can you help me find my way to the member profiles??

I remember being on a different webpage with a calender of events as well as the member profiles but I can't find it now. Thanks.
Sorry for such a late response. I'm going back to Austin soon, maybe next time.

By the way, VPTurner, can you help me find my way to the member profiles??

I remember being on a different webpage with a calender of events as well as the member profiles but I can't find it now. Thanks.


I believe this is the link you're after:

I missed the storyboard meeting. I will shoot for some of the September events. Plus, once you are registered and on the mailing list, the organizer sends out notices of upcoming events (including job opportunities, casting calls, etc.).