Any tips / ideas / suggestions for finding / recruiting actors for short films? The situation is I live in Duluth, MN which is about 3 hrs north of Minneapolis where it would likely be easier to find talent. Several colleges in town so of course I will email their theater departments, post on corkboards on those campuses. But any suggestions welcomed for recruiting talent. I suppose I could recruit people I meet in coffee shops, but though these will be my first short films I want to have the best talent possible; I figure lousy superficial acting will ruin my shorts, waste everybody's time, although I suppose it would provide for a learning experience no matter what happens. But I figure I owe it to other actors if even in a short film to have the best co-actors.
Been a long winter here in Minnesota, but good for writing. So, I have four short film screenplays ready for filming once the weather warms and snow disappears. Working on getting needed props, going to do some rough storyboarding. Time to start thinking of recruiting talent.
Been a long winter here in Minnesota, but good for writing. So, I have four short film screenplays ready for filming once the weather warms and snow disappears. Working on getting needed props, going to do some rough storyboarding. Time to start thinking of recruiting talent.