Any tips at all?

I'm a 17 year old from England and have always engaged in filming videos but have never really thought about how I was filming. I have a Canon 600D as I also do photography (at college and for in free time) and know my way around the still side of the DSLR pretty well - but am struggling to really kickstart my filmmaking abilities. Any tips at all for someone starting out with a Canon 600D and a tripod?

Thanks :D:D
Make something simple and short. Then make another and another. Remember that pre-production is everything, but you have to have experience with making errors in order to know how to pre-produce. Just go out and shoot, edit, and finish a product.
Brilliant, thank you. I do intend to do that but I'm kind of stuttering at the stage of figuring out the technical side of it first. I want to do more than point and shoot and so am putting (maybe a bit too much) time into the pre-production at the moment. I will definitely do that - get out there and see what I can do. Thanks a lot for your help!
look up "best video settings for canon 600D" and study the videos you find. Beyond that, you really just have to get out and shoot. There's no "one-size-fits-all" setting for your camera and everything is a compromise. Just go have some fun and shoot, even if there's no plot or anything. Focus on composition and lighting once you figure out the tech side. Know that figuring out the tech side will always be accompanied and enabled by just going out and shooting. And I don't mean just inside your house. Get out there! too many people go back and forth between this setting and that setting, this gear and that gear...all the while they could have been getting good at what's available to them. Build a foundation before trying to go above and beyond.
Nice! I was out and about in a forest today experimenting with the settings on the DSLR camera and didn't get anything I really liked. I guess I just need to find that link to develop video into film and stick to it! I'll look up some technical tips online right now. Thanks a lot for the help! :)
With that camera, get the VisionColor pictures styles (It'll cost you $12 USD, but well worth it) and Magic Lantern. It'll turn that camera into a filmmaking beast! It shot a feature with it's precursor, the 550D, so feel free to PM me any questions.