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Any sound programs that come with a noise reduction plug in?

I looked around and Pro Tools, and Adobe Audition don't come with one, as well as some others, but couldn't find one that came with one. I have looked at Sony Vegas but it doesn't look like the noise reduction plug comes with their sound editing program or not yet. Are there any that come with that I missed? Thanks.
Why do you need an NR program when you have yet to record a byte of sound. If you do the sound right you shouldn't need it 90% of the time. And BTW, the NR plugs that come with most DAWs are fair at best.

Two seconds in Google and I found those. I find it very hard to believe you did any research at all before asking - people here are very happy to answer questions and want to help, but I think you're starting to try the patience of many users.

Sorry about that. I did google adobe audition and came up with other sites. Some mentioned noise reduction but I did not know if that served the same purpose as a reduction plug in per say. When it comes to buying programs there are catches that are left out, that could cost money if you find out after you get it. That's why I ask a lot of program questions, cause of catches before, that the sites did not make me aware of. Don't mean to ask something that's in front of me, but it's hard to know what is sometimes because of catches not mentioned.

Why do you need an NR program when you have yet to record a byte of sound. If you do the sound right you shouldn't need it 90% of the time. And BTW, the NR plugs that come with most DAWs are fair at best.

While shooting on a microbudget so far, it's been difficult to get a set that's not noisy. If I want to get a quiet set, with no AC, or no background noise, etc, the price goes up, and for my first few shorts which I wanna do for as free or low as possible, I have to put up with some background noise.
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Would you go film something already?? hehe j/k.

The best is when you don't need a NR program. Learn how to record without having to rely on a NR plug-in.

Plus, they cost a lot of money if you want one that actually works properly...

The cheapest one I know that works is the CEDAR DNS-One.

p.s. Fridges and A/Cs can be turned off for shooting, just so you know! "Quiet on the set!" is a common clarion call from the director - that seems to help...

I will be blunt with you: I think your balance of reading and doing is way out of whack. You're getting way to significant with all the details of filmmaking by reading all about it and not actually DOING it. I personally think you just need to go out there and shoot a short and stop worrying about it being perfect and only then will you be competent and fully knowledgable about what works for you and you can disregard all the other nonsense there is out there in the industry. Just go DO something and LEARN by DOING. Seriously, man. I am not trying to be a jerk but it's been a couple months of answering questions to someone who has no practical experience.
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Some of the buildings people have let me film in for free, will not allow the AC to be turned off or fridges, because people who work there want their air conditioning and lunches refrigerated. So I have access to film places, but they won't grant me those favors so far. But it depends on who I find that will let me in the future too.

I am shooting a lot of stuff myself, but none of that is submittable of course, just for practice. Once I manage to get a group together we will do a short. I already have some players interested and am currently having them read through a couple of shorts I wrote. After that we will discuss options and pick a shooting date in the next couple of months that works for everyone, and do a casting call. If all that goes to plan then I can shoot something submittable. So I'm doing the best I can, but since I seem to be working slow, is there anything I could be doing faster?
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