Any Filmmakers & Crew in UK?

Hi guys,

I finally started the pre-production of my low/no budget feature "Hard Luck." It's a comedy about the misadventures of a superstitious man. We are shooting HD with my Panasonic HPX-170 + Brevi35 Converter.

Making an indie is never an easy task, especially when you're new and don't have many contacts.
Would you know anywhere (websites, organizations in the UK) I could find people who'd be willing to work on our production for defered or little to no payment or even just to gain experience?

We are looking for all sorts of crew members: make-up artists, art directors, editors, DP, light technicians, composers etc... And anyone who could give us a hand in general to move the production forward... :)

Anyone can help or direct me to the right place? :huh:
My email address is:

Thanks :D

PS. If there's anyone from the UK for networking drop me an email :)
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