Any BMPCC Users?

I love the image quality, definitively blows out any camera in the $1k to $3k price range.

It definitively needs a LOT of add-ons though to make it work : rare and expensive SD cards, a set of batteries, good stabilizers, a cage (using the tilta), a Speed Booster, ND Filters, and a good monitor (or EVF). Forget the idea about just putting a m43rds lens there and being able to shoot right away.
I love my 2k, but have been thinking about picking up a pocket cam to be a bit more mobile. Anyone using it? How do you feel about it?

I have one and love it. Great HD ProRes and RAW images - autofocus (of sorts), peaking and zebras. And the accessories are a little more reasonable than for the BMCC (e.g., only $150 for a Z-finder).

You already have a BMCC, so you're used to the battery workarounds and dealing with the menu.

Great value for a $995 camera, in my view.
I'm really not a fan of any of the Blackmagic Cameras.

That said, a friend of mine bought a BMCC, and then sold it for a Pocket - he said the image is practically identical, but the pocket is much more versatile as it's smaller and can take a whole bunch of different lenses.
I love mine. A clear upgrade from the GH2.
Also, I'm not one of those people that believes it requires a lot of add ons. Here's my list of what I think are basic necessities.
1) Cage. I hate cages but the pocketcam is so thin that two point mounting is needed. I got the half cage from Wooden Camera on the B&H promo for $50. It's excellent and unobtrusive.
2) Batteries. You can buy 4 batteries for less than $50. This is an easy problem to solve.
3) SD Cards. 32 gig approved cards for $49. 20 minutes of proRes recording.
4) Loupe. The LCD isn't readable in sunlight. I got the Kinotehnik for $150. It gets the job done.
yes and that Rebel forum you used to go on. We go way back Sage. Way back.

:) Well I wanted to say I thought it was ridiculous that VK banned you. If he wanted to have a forum for ideas, kicking someone who had really good ideas off the site was probably not an ideal course of action(!) Though, I think he had to carry the government line; he would be considered a public figure, and consequences for going against the grain there can be severe.
I love mine. A clear upgrade from the GH2.
Also, I'm not one of those people that believes it requires a lot of add ons. Here's my list of what I think are basic necessities.
1) Cage. I hate cages but the pocketcam is so thin that two point mounting is needed. I got the half cage from Wooden Camera on the B&H promo for $50. It's excellent and unobtrusive.
2) Batteries. You can buy 4 batteries for less than $50. This is an easy problem to solve.
3) SD Cards. 32 gig approved cards for $49. 20 minutes of proRes recording.
4) Loupe. The LCD isn't readable in sunlight. I got the Kinotehnik for $150. It gets the job done.

I like this list, Brian. I couldn't afford even this much, though, so I got a $28.75 hot shoe instead of a cage, and added a $17 P&C pistol grip. My sunshade is a kluge that cost me less than $100.

Here's how it looks:


Shooting with this setup works great and takes me back 40 years to Super 8 days :)
:) Well I wanted to say I thought it was ridiculous that VK banned you. If he wanted to have a forum for ideas, kicking someone who had really good ideas off the site was probably not an ideal course of action(!) Though, I think he had to carry the government line; he would be considered a public figure, and consequences for going against the grain there can be severe.

I actually like the guy and find him brilliant and enigmatic and he let me back to his site. So it's no biggie. The thing is though it's such a hard site to navigate the way he consolidates everything. Great info there but not always easy to dig it up. Threads with hundreds and hundreds of posts. Seems to have morphed into more of a gear review site since the hack has become irrelevant. Thanks for the support though.