Any 'behind the scenes' or ' the making of' which is good to watch

i recently bought cabin fever, its basically an indie horror film, and it came with a kind of 'the making of' bit and a directors interview both about 40 mins and i think stuff more stuff like that would help me understand stuff better than anything else. so does anyone know of any other behind the scenes stuff like that i can get. i know there was one of the matrix, im goin to watch that soon... any comments would be appreciated :):cool:
I'd recommend getting a copy of the entire HBO series "Deadwood."

Each episode has a "commentary" you can turn on and off. It's a stream-of-consciousness running commentary about everything that's happening on the screen, behind the screen, what it took to set up a particular shot you're watching, etc. They range from some of the actors, to producers to directors, and also David Milch, the creator and writer. It's absolutely fascinating. There's also a documentary "making of" included in the box set of DVDs.

Anyone else a Milch fan here?
For sure... Deadwood and Milch are amazing. Fool that I am, I didn't listen to the running commentaries, but the documentaries are also amazing.
Not a film, but Doctor Who Confidential is absolutely brilliant - usually a 40 minute making of for a 45 minute episode. Some episodes are more focused on things that aren't strictly to do with making the show (astronomy, marketing tour of the UK etc.) but it's really interesting to see behind the scenes, and I've picked up a lot of tips not only about shooting but about pre- and post-production too. Well worth a look!
Cast Away has one of the most in-depth commentary about sound design and mixing that I have ever heard and I refer to it often. It's in the special edition of Cast Away - commentary by Randy Thom.
Special edition of King Kong also has "Post Production Notes" which you can also find on You-Tube. It basically has behind the scenes on every aspect of the movie as they are making it and Peter does a video diary during it. Check it out:
I thought the Behind the Scenes of Hellboy was quite informative, particularly makeup stuff.

The Star Wars film commentaries by the sound guys are brilliant-the places they found the sound effects for the films was quite inspiring to go hunting about with a microphone :)