Antihero to play in a REAL theater. :)

Some of you new kids might not be so familiar with me or my movie, but those who've been here a few years are probably sick of me talking about it.

Anyway, it has a very local vibe. Being shot on such an ultra-low budget, and almost entirely within the central Richmond neighborhoods, locals have responded well to it. And that is the angle that got us into a local theater. And this isn't a 2nd-run theater, or even an artsy art-house theater; these are corporate cats interested only in profit.

And it's a sweet theater, too -- This theater is the indie wing (4 small screens) of a two-building multiplex, sharing the same parking lot as their 21-screen big-brother that caters more to studio releases.

I need to print a couple of posters for the theater, and I need them printed yesterday. I'm feeling indecisive about what to do with it. The official cover-art had been intended to double as a poster, but a lot of people have been confused by it:


I'm thinking I need to add some stills, as well as some festival laurels, but I'm not sure how to do that. My initial thoughts have me thinking along the lines of comic-book panels. Any ideas? I've gotta get these printed within a couple days.

April 12th is the big day. It'll have one matinee showtime, and another around 9pm-ish. Hypothetically, it could run for some weeks, but I get the impression that the theater intends to run it for one week. But hey, if I can get some butts in those seats...
Congradulations! As far as the poster goes, I thought your movie might be an animated movie, until I saw the trailer way back. Not sure if a lot of other people, with think that from the poster though.
Awesome as the poster is, I don't think it clearly represents the film. I was expecting a lot of supernatural entities in it - something more literal - even though I was familiar with the basic story.

I don't have any better suggestions, though :/

'Grats on your screenings! :cool:
Agreed, that illustration poorly represents the film.

Please throw out here as many screen shots as you dare.
Maybe something will do the trick and we can work from that.
Is this all that are available?

Is sexy in the middle (Brian Gartland as Pork Rind) the only shot you have of the film's lead?

What are the H + W dimensions the poster needs to be printed out in?

And FWIW, I read the other thread and can't think of anything better than what you already have.
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Haha, thanks mussonman. The reason I haven't been quick to jump the gun on putting it on VOD was exactly for scenarios like this, and I'm finding that this entire process works in geological time (at least for a tiny movie like mine). After the local theater, I'm contacting Drafthouse Cinemas. I'm hoping the local screening will basically legitimize it enough that Drafthouse will at least give it a passing glance; they tend to take films from bigger festivals, so my odds are not good.

Anyway, that's the final plan for theater screenings, and then I'm finally putting it on VOD (although that will be delayed as well, as I'm very interested in getting it on Netflix, or perhaps Crackle). I'll keep you posted!

Ray, I believe the standard poster dimension is 27*40. That pic you mention is a still from the movie, and I'm willing to pull any still from the movie I need. I really like the silliness of the other still I posted, in the other thread. But the beer one makes it pretty clear that this is basically a slacker movie, about a bunch of slackers goofing off. I think I might find a way to use both of them.

Cheers! :)
I do love the poster, but I'm a comics geek to begin with, so I'm biased. Maybe the same style, but different picture could work?

Not much to say in the way of suggestions, just wanted to chime in on how much I love the poster :-)
I was searching for something else in regard to you question, couldn't find it (well, sort of I did, after all), but found this. Not that you don't already know how to make a movie poster or need this. What do I know, but this seems like a pretty awesome tutorial.

So like, I was going to list all of them, but then I found this below and realized that there are a bunch more of them. So it's a pretty cool thing. Just go there, and you can go down the list, if you like. Be aware, if you try following them from youtube video to youtube video, the link given at the end of lesson 15 to 16 is incorrect, which is why I ended up searching for lesson 16 and found this nice sort of table of contents of links.

Mahalo: Photoshop Video Tutorial: How to Make a Movie Poster

I wonder if there are other youtube tutorials...