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watch Antietam Creek

Here is a short film that was shot in Pennsylvania. My directorial debut. I learned alot making it, especially about coverage. There were many shots I wish I had while editing that I did not get. It tells the story of a Union soldier longing for home on the eve of the battle of Antietam.


I must say I enjoyed it. My knowledge of the American Civil War is somewhat limited, so for me it was a learning experience too. The acting seemed natural and the sound was clear too.

Great use of props, uniforms and "historical dialect". I'm ex-forces, so anything with guns get my thumbs-up ;)

Nice job :)
The story itself was very cliché, but overall rather well done. :)

You're a member of a local re-enactment org, I assume?
Thanks! No, I am not a civil war re-enactor. I just have a love for history and this time period especially. And since so few indie films are ever period pieces, I decided to give it a go. Maybe I'll make another one!
Definitely go for another. :)

You're right about not many indie period pieces being done. I think a lot of lo-budget filmmakers are intimidated by the thought of prop and costume departments. Pity, really.

I'll forward the link to my buddies in the Richmond Howitzer Battalion. They'll love it. :cool: