another, which camera for budget question

Alright, I know there are a million threads around here on this so here's the deal.
I'm a photographer and this has nothing to do with me. However, my cousin shoots the usual thriller and zombie type flicks and asked me to research this for him. I know he has sound recording equipment and editing programs, no idea on the details.
What I do know is this;
His budget for a new video camera is around $1500 for new or used.
He wants to be able to shoot in high def, 24p, and have as much manual control as possible, but he does NOT want to go the dslr route.
I know there are older "semi-pro" cameras in that price range but they are ancient technology. not that great film can't be made with them, but most don't have high def recording options.
So, what are some decent options? I know everything has it's ups and downs but I have 0 knowledge and unless you spend a lot of time on the subject there is only so much you can learn on the internet.
Thanks for any help!
Start digging:

I hear a lot of clucking over the Canon HV20

Frankly, I think that friend needs to put on his big boy panties, bite the bullet and go the GH2 route with audio gear.,cf.osb&fp=4eee4599f966a33d&biw=1280&bih=933

BTW, I've been wondering, since the camcorders of assorted high prices include XLR jacks what is even the point if it's just gonna sound par, or worse?
Why would you need a >$2k field camera with XLR jacks?
Doesn't everyone above the threshold of handycam-world need external audio, anyway?
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BTW, I've been wondering, since the camcorders of assorted high prices include XLR jacks what is even the point if it's just gonna sound par, or worse?
Why would you need a >$2k field camera with XLR jacks?
Doesn't everyone above the threshold of handycam-world need external audio, anyway?

agreed..but i guess it is always be better if a ssr was used least thats what im learning from the forums.
What about the Panasonic ag-hmc40? or Sony HDR-FX1?
Well, they're alright. Tell him to look at videos shot with them on Vimeo or YouTube. If he can find a used one, is absolutely deadset against using a DSLR, and doesn't mind being stuck with a fixed lens, well, they'll suit his needs. I'm biased towards the Panasonic.

The fixed lens is a dealbreaker for me. Sure, you could always get a 35mm adapter, but that's another few hundred dollars and you lose light which means you'll have to buy more expensive lenses and there's vignetting issues...

At that budget, I would strongly recommend that he invest in a GH2 and some nice vintage primes (or you could let him borrow yours!). It's less expensive and more versatile than the camcorders.
Well, they're alright. Tell him to look at videos shot with them on Vimeo or YouTube. If he can find a used one, is absolutely deadset against using a DSLR, and doesn't mind being stuck with a fixed lens, well, they'll suit his needs. I'm biased towards the Panasonic.

The fixed lens is a dealbreaker for me. Sure, you could always get a 35mm adapter, but that's another few hundred dollars and you lose light which means you'll have to buy more expensive lenses and there's vignetting issues...

At that budget, I would strongly recommend that he invest in a GH2 and some nice vintage primes (or you could let him borrow yours!). It's less expensive and more versatile than the camcorders.

Just got my t3i this afternoon and im testing my Asahi Takamur smc 55mm muhahaha its soooooo goooood! my Helios 58mm is comming soon...woot im so giddy right now.....
btw i got my t3i body amazon for $660...thats a steal!!
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Just got my t3i this afternoon and im testing my Asahi Takamur smc 55mm muhahaha its soooooo goooood! my Helios 58mm is comming soon...woot im so giddy right now.....
btw i got my t3i body amazon for $660...thats a steal!!
I feel like the $200 more or so for the GH2 is such an excellent investment, though. The ability to mount virtually any lens (with the appropriate adapter) is worth the ticket price alone, but I also think it has superior IQ out of the box.

There's also the hack, which when stabilized and sorted out will turn the thing into a serious little toy.
I feel like the $200 more or so for the GH2 is such an excellent investment, though. The ability to mount virtually any lens (with the appropriate adapter) is worth the ticket price alone, but I also think it has superior IQ out of the box.

There's also the hack, which when stabilized and sorted out will turn the thing into a serious little toy.

I agree there as well...the hack really pulls the GH2 in front.
But as with a student budget i had to accept the t3i..its still a good camera esp for a noob like me...but yeah if i had my choice it would have ben a gh2 or better.
And most adaptors esp for a m42 mount are not that expensive..a good one with a focus sensor read will cost about $9.00..