archived-videos Animated Conversations - My "Interview" with Quentin Tarantino

I'm back! :D

Here's the first in what may be a series of JibJab-style animated "interviews" with celebs.


Comments are greatly appriciated, and, if anyone knows any way to get this to Mr. Tarantino himself, that would be even more greatly appriciated!!! :yes:

- Brent M. Parker
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Nicely done. :)

I especially liked the "siren" sound, with the red flashing in & out. Kinda schlocky, but hilarious at the same time.

Not sure if it is JibJab style, though. There is another animation company that has a series, with interviews with dead celebs... that's what this reminded me of.

Good show. :cool:

I dug this one even more than "Trina". When you had QT talking about shooting a cool plane scene, and he was going nuts and elevated over his chair, I was dying! Well done!

~ Stephen
Thank you, everybody, for your comments! :D

Zensteve wrote -
I especially liked the "siren" sound, with the red flashing in & out. Kinda schlocky, but hilarious at the same time.

Ha! Someone tried to talk me out of using that "siren" (my voice.) Now, I told them you liked it too :lol:

Bird wrote -
Brent, I am a FAN.

Cool! Thanks!

More stuff is always in the works :)

- Brent