Anamorphic - Bang for the Buck?


Assuming a good story and solid production values, would shooting with anamorphic lenses for the 2.35:1 screen ratio provide a big "bang for the buck," specifically in terms of marketing?

I really like the looks of it and may be doing pre-pro for a teaser soon, so doing some research. In this case, would the anamorphic look increase the odds of attracting interest (and maybe some financing) on a kickstarter or indiegogo campaign?

Any thoughts greatly appreciated!
Yes, some scenes looks much better than others. But I would point the reason as: is hard to make it work. I'm having difficult to speak it in english, but when you find the frame, the anamorphic brings a very strong feeling to the object. This park bench is just a bench, but it appears like an important and misterious thing inside a story. Just a matter of practice to learn how to find this frames for any subject.
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Good advice, I'm pasting your comments into my notebook for when I get an anamorphic lens someday...

Please post more footage if you have time and the inclination.
