Amusing edits

In a similar vein to "Star Wars Kid" (Google it, if you are not familiar with that), a rather embarrasing video was circulated around the 'net a few months back involving a German student just "doing his thing" while oblivious to being on camera.

This individual was named "Star Trek Kid", because of his t-shirt... at the time, his real identity was unknown.

For a frame of reference, here is the original video. (20mb, DivX codec)

Some chuckleheads over at SA have been doing creative re-edits of the footage, with interesting results... this one (9mb, DivX codec)

Pop-culture at it's best.

(And it's kinda silly, so it's only up a few days)
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Had a time finding the Star Wars Kid one. Most sites had removed the link I guess do to his parents lawsuit. Some other self professed "geeks" raised money to buy him a laptop, and there are a few sites petitioning for him to have a part in Star Wars III.

I didn't start laughing on the Star Trek dude until he would slam into the floor. I had never gone from unamused stillness to pee my pants laughter that quick in some time.

Then the re-edit was too funny.

Thanks for sharing....

even if it tends to remind us there are others out there for us to laugh at to make us feel better about ourselves.
I believe the Star Wars kid is Canadian. I read a long article about him. The kid was devistated by all of the attention and spin-offs that he had. They were funny but that poor kid is wrecked.
I just had an interesting thought on this...

If this would have been Brad Pitt getting caught doing this or captain of the football team, it would have been cool. No one would have said anything. But, let it be a hefty, kid who has eccentric tastes in his entertainment and people would plaster him all over the Internet for ridicule. Which is what this boils down to as afar as original intent.

As far as the Star Trek dude...there are some things you just don't do at the clubs. I am pretty sure re-enacting your favorite kung fu flick is pretty high on the list.
those bastards at SA, i want my 10 dollars back. I can never like them again! unless someone buys back my account for me.
scooter said:
If this would have been Brad Pitt getting caught doing this ... it would have been cool. No one would have said anything.

If doing it for a movie, then yeah. But if Brad Pitt was caught in his house swinging a boom in the air like a double edged light sabre while Jen was out shopping, then I don't know of a single person that would consider that cool.

This brings up a point I've been preaching to people ever since the Star War kid's parents filed the suit. People have a lost their sense of humor in this world. IF Brad was caught doing it, he'd probably just laugh it off (I wouldn't, I'd ride that train for all it's worth). That's the difference between someone like Brad Pitt (who doesn't take himself seriously at all times) and the kid's parents (who would rather file needless litigation against two high schhol pranksters than have their kid get laughed at - I got news for you mom and dad, your child will probably get laughed at for the rest of his life for one thing or another --- we all do).

I hate people who sue over little shit. Star Wars kid was hilarious, he should take pride... I made a stupid singing video of myself to the song "Ooh Ahh, Just a little bit" (ooh ah, a litte bit more!) and ONLY gave it to one friend as a joke, then all my friends got it, then one of them converted it to flash and put it on newgrounds. Everyone was laughing at me, including me. But...i guess i should have sued my friend....maybe get some money out of it.