Amazon Studios

Anyone here joined Amazon Studios for their competition?

Don't you find it crazy for them to pay a million dollar for a 'test' movie, or 100K a month for one of those?
Am sure many of you would take it :)

I watched some of it but my patience ran out after ten minutes. It's a real farce in my point of view. The purpose of this so called test movie to pitch Warner and other people to make the movie. If someone would come to me with something like that, I'd laugh my ass off!
Am from the old school where I read the script and if I can 'see' a movie in it, then it's a good one.
What's wrong using the old method of storyboard? It's a lot better and faster to change things within the story. Many of the movies decided on the script itself and no storyboard. I get it, some of the VFX as in TRANSFORMER and others has to be seen.

What my take was on Amazon Studios, they had so many bad test movies but in the end they had to pick one. So they picked an animation... if you want to call that animation.
So, what's your opinion?
Did you compete?

BTW, a guy shot a feature with a RED and put up 50K to shoot it and his movie didn't even get anywhere.
The shots were not bad, the story and acting kinda stunk :)
I think it's a good idea, actually. I see it as Amazon looking for new voices that might not be heard, through conventional methods. Kind of a cool way for Amazon to break into the filmmaking business.

I'll be honest, I wasn't all that impressed by the results they've produced, thus far. But it's young. If they do it a 2nd time around, I might give it a go, and I hope other people do, too. Perhaps, over time, it will yield better results.
Not sure if they will continue this kind of spending.
They still haven't posted anything as future competition is my clue.