Amazing teen movie idea

get ready to get your mind blown for the next blockbuster...

TITANIC...... redone with.... Sparkling vampires...

BOOM!!!! instant hit.

While all the geeks cringe and cry. :D

Our blue sparkling vampire, and his beautiful lady Hermoine, walk down the deck.
Suddenly our hero pulls her close to him, as 3 young blue boys flash by, on their brooms, speeding along the deck and upsetting several guests.

Hermoine draws her wand, and starts yelling in the blue's language after them.

Our blue sparkling vampire, and his beautiful lady Hermoine, walk down the deck.
Suddenly our hero pulls her close to him, as 3 young blue boys flash by, on their brooms, speeding along the deck and upsetting several guests.

Hermoine draws her wand, and starts yelling in the blue's language after them.

I think you're on to something!!

I will add onto this later tonight! :D
The careening blue boys on brooms circle about at her yells.
They pull their own wands midair, then shoot green fireballs.

The DECK CHAIRS transform into stick-like robots between 
the blue boys and Hermoine and her sparkly man.

With a swish of the arm they deflect the green fireballs into 
the ocean. FLAPPER, the one finned porpoise, is baked.

The BROOMS beneath the blue boys also transform into 
stick-like robots, energy weapons and blades aimed at

Broom-bots and Deck chair-bots have a standoff.
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Out of nowhere a strapping 17-year old boy that's not legal yet but who cares appears and rips off his shirt for no apparent reason, revealing his eight-pack abs and killer pecs.

Hermoine begins to cry and shiver because that's what normal teen girls do when they're confused right?
The reality that most kids my age would like this is why I'm ashamed to have been born in this generation.

Don't feel so bad. Into every generation crap must fall. I grew up in the 80s, and we loved (and still love) awful, awful stuff too!

I've never seen Titanic or Twilight, but they do seem to work on the same principle as Pokemon. Adorable creatures? Young girls will love it! Deathmatch violence? Young boys will love it!

Tragic love story? Teenage girls will love it! Epic disaster? Teenage boys will love it! Something for the whole family!

Been rewatching the series Black Books with Dylan Moran lately, so I thought of this exchange:
Female customer: Excuse me, have you got a... (Bernard hands her a book) Oh.
Bernard: (To male customer) One for you too (hands him a book)
Female customer: How do you know what we want?
Male customer: We don't like the same sort of stuff anyway.
Bernard: You're going on holiday. You want trash. But you want different kinds of trash. (To female customer) You're a woman, you want social themes, believable characters. (To male customer) You, you want plots, suspense. This'll do you both.
Female customer: Hmm...
Bernard: (holds up another copy of the book) There's this temp, right? She's 29, she can't get a boyfriend, oh my god.
Female customer: Sounds great!
Male customer: No, no way.
Bernard: And she's got 12 hours to stop nuclear war with China.
Male customer: Great!
just made this... :D
