Amateur writer trying his hand at film

Hi! I'm a fantasy and horror writer who's recently entered the world of film to bring a particular idea to life. I got tired of waiting for the follow-up to "Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist", a faithful web series adaption of the namesake fighting game series. Among other things, fighting games are a hobby of mine, but alas, my programming skills are lacking. So, my first project in the works will realize my story of combat in the form of internet television. Huzah!
Got me at fantasy and lost me at fighting. Care to elaborate on the internet television part? I've only seen few that didn't do well (it was back in my own country which is usually miles away from the west on the film department) and always were curious how does that work.
Well, I'm still learning how it works myself. The end goal though is to release my series online and maintain full creative control. As for the concept itself, it's a niche interest. Fighting games often struggle to integrate engaging stories, and I never understood why that should be. My aim is to weave together engaging characters and stories using martial arts and combat sport as a framing device. If it's not for you, no worries! It's far from my only idea, but it is the one I can afford to make right now.
Oh okay ! See when i read internet television my mind jumped to this group of people in my country that were making a drama tv-show type of thing and were releasing episodes each week on youtube. Filming weekly in a sitcom type of way. And even tho it got A LOT of interest it didn't have enough budget to keep on going as an amateur self made show. I hope you can find your ways ! From the short period I spent on this forum it seems like you can get a lot of very useful comments if you are ever in need of second opinion or help with finding your way around certain things, even down to your costumes it's all here if you ask. :cheers:
Welcome to the group. Hopefully we can set you up for success.

You have to be careful with mixing fantasy and fighting, because it is extremely difficult. I'm not saying you can't do it, you can do anything you like, but I would be very careful with writing extravagant fantasy and choreography together unless you intend on using CGI heavily to offset costs.

Look at a youtube channel called Corridor Digital, who do a really good job at mixing those elements into coherent videos. They tend to favor a humorous style, but they know what they are doing with fantasy and fighting.

Another thing is, write for how much money you have. Understand, if you control the development of your full project, you are also limited with what skills and budget YOU personally can get.

If you let another team do the work, they might have more money and assets to use. Really think about how much you are willing to take on if you plan on doing the whole project yourself. Sometimes having full creative control isn't worth it. Especially if this project is just for fun.