archived-videos Amateur Porn Star Killer - trailer

You might want to rethink the background colour of your site on your trailer page. Your images are very dark (I don't mean the content) so with a black background the film falls into the background. If you had a white or pale background, you'd get greater contrast.

I don't have any strong feelings either way about the trailer. Not my kind of film, I guess.
OK, not reading what Clive wrote, I'll give you my first impressions.

Sound = BAD... I don't know if it was the compression of the trailer, the recording levels too high, or you distorted it in post, but it was pretty bad.

A trailer is supposed to make you want to see the movie, but this didn't do it for me. After is said "Coming Soon" it wasn't even half over... You need to end it there... Sitting there reading the 2 lines for, what seemed like an eternity, sucked. The background sound was distorted which wasn't pleasent as well. The ONLY reason I stuck it out to the end was to give you my first impression.

I don't know if you shot it on 8mm or what, or if it was a post effect, but the quality was bad and that's all you showed. So if the film quality is bad in the trailer, then so is the rest of the movie. Normally you show the best shots in the trailer, or give some hint of the story. From the trailer it looks like this guy kills these women throughout the movie. If he beats them to death, where's the blood on his hand, or marks?

Perhaps you're making this for a specific audience, and they'll like it just for the TnA, but from what I've seen from the trailer, bad quality = bad film.

So I just read Clive's comment and I had no problem with the black background. In fact, I prefer it. Maybe my monitor is brighter?

Just my honest first impression.

So what is your targeted market?
I have to echo some of what Coot said.

I have a feeling this film is along the lines of your previous short, "Sane: The Story of the Boredom Killings" in that it is basically just a string of murders "caught on tape" and not really any story to it. If that is the case, this trailer portrays that feeling.

But I feel it is too long. Like Coot said, the "Coming Soon" title was the halfway point of the trailer, and it should be the ending. If you cut the trailer off at the url title the trailer would be okay (still a bit long, but much better).

The sound, I think is meant to be distorted and erie. I think it fits the idea of the movie well, so I have no gripes there.

A couple of things I would do differently:

It's obvious to me that Mr. Ryan likes to cover controversial ground with his films. I would play that up. "From Controversial Director Shane Ryan" and "A Film So Dark and Terrifying, You May Leave The Theater" and "You've Never Known the Meaning of TOO FAR Until Now" are all the types of titles I would use. I've said it before, you can reach a huge niche market that'll lap this stuff up, you just have to know how to play to them (my personal feelings about the artistic merit and morality of this niche market aside). I know many people who dig the sick/dark/violent type of movies that this seems to be. You need to start catering to that audience, I think.

1) As far as the black background, that's just how Undergroundfilm hosts they're movies. Since they hosts lots, I'd say that black was their best bet for a background, I think it looks fine.

2) As far as the trailer being too long, that's one thing we've realized and was the main complaint of most comments. It was pretty much our first trailer since this was our first feature and we thought we could get away with it being longer since it was online, but we've realized that the same rules apply to trailers online as they do in theatres, which, as you know, is keep it shorter, under 2 minutes I'd say. This was 3 1/2 minutes I think.

3)But as far as the film looking like crap, it was defintaely supposed to. It was shot in b&w (the part with the 13 year old girl, not really 13 though just to make sure you know that) and then edited to look very dark and grainy.

Some people like this effect, and some don't since he's supposed to be shooting with a video camera. But the whole point was to create a style for the movie. Obviously this isn't real footage, we're past the Blair Witch days of people believing that and if it were real footage the filmmakers/distributors would be immediately arrested for having their names attached to it, I'm sure.

So, since we already know it's not real, we don't need to keep that video looking digital feel. I know Shane hates the plain video look, so what he did was create a style for the movie.

You don't see it entirely in the preview but there's another girl we see for a good amount of the film that is another victim. She's presented in a little video cam at the bottom of the screen and sometimes fades in an out of the movie on the full screen. Her segments are in color, and layered with some kind of focus effect that makes it look more glowy and heavingly like. Her character also appears smiling and happy for the whole film. The other girl, Stacy, the 13 year old, gets the opposite effect/treatment, and that's what the movie focuses on more. She's picked up off the streets (not in the amateur porn classifieds like the other girl), is toyed with and threatened by the killer, and is in a much darker and dirtier place than the other girl. Not too mention she has on black clothes and black hair, versus the other girl has a white shirt and blonde hair. Everything fits pretty perfectly to contrast the two girls, I believe.

Even in this review, the reviewer mentioned this part
"Choppy first-person scenes are interspersed with a smaller, porn camera in the bottom left of the screen for much of the movie, showing one girl, happy to be having sex with the killer contrasted with the desperately uncomfortable Stacy on the main screen."

Anyways, I'm rambling a lot now, but the whole point for this particular movie was to show what it might be like for this 13 year old girl to get duped into the world of porn, only in this case, the porn director is a murderer.

Hmm, hope that all made sense.

I'm a big fan of the AlterEgo films.

Having said that, I think this was a pretty poor trailer. (I've seen it before elsewhere, btw)

Aside from being far too long (already covered), it just doesn't "say" anything about the film itself.

I expect the film itself is pretty interesting, having seen almost all of your previous works. Knock this trailer down to 60 seconds. :)

Btw... it still really bugs me that I don't know yet whether it's:

Amateur "Porn Star Killer"


"Amateur Porn Star" Killer

...yes, there's a difference. :cool: