I work for a company doing graphic design and some basic, amateur video edits. Since this discovery, we're doing more internal videos within the company. We're looking to get some better gear (than a FlipVideo) for this new endeavor. This is the situation:

- Taking Video of Employee Testimonials
- Taking Video tours of the inside and outside of buildings/campus
- Taking Video of Meetings (large and small)
- Taking Video of doctor visits, working in lab
- In-house editing of video
- Target audience would be the staff

Any advice as to what type of camera I should look into getting? I'm battling between getting a handy camcorder or a professional camcorder. I think the budget is between $1000-$2000 but it may be flexible.

Thank you in advance for any help!
You won't be getting anything professional for $2,000. But there are some really solid cameras in that price-range.

Based on your intended purposes, I'm gonna venture to say that it'd be best to usually have a shotgun mic attached to your camera. I'm guessing you probably won't have the luxury of a boom-op?

If this were me, I'd spend no more than $1,000 (or close to it) on the camera, and I'd get a camcorder. I'd use the rest on a decent shotgun mic, an XLR adapter, a good, solid tripod, and a DIY light-kit. As for specific model numbers, I'll have to leave that advice for others to give, but this is the general strategy I would follow.

I assume you've already got a decent computer and editing software? Not all footage is compatible with all software, so that's something you've got to research before making the purchase.
Any advice as to what type of camera I should look into getting? I'm battling between getting a handy camcorder or a professional camcorder. I think the budget is between $1000-$2000 but it may be flexible.

Panasonic AG-DVC20
Sony HDR-CX550V
Sony HXR-MC50U
Sony HVR-A1U
The Sony NEX-VG10
Canon HF G10
Canon HF S30

My favorite (but a little more then two large) is JVC GY-HM100
If you are going to record audio to camera you need a budget of about $600; otherwise set aside about $1k. On the technical side poor audio kills more projects than any other factor.