Amateur Filmmaking Kit - Year 12 Design Project

Hey guys! I am im the process of designing an amateur film making kit for my year 12 HSC design & tech project. I was just wanting to get some feedback on what some of you guys would like to see in a filmmaking kit. For me personally along with many others i am sure, i find it hard to save up for the very expensive individual rigs & other tools.

I have done some research & i have found that for individual pieces of equipment can be very expensive. I am aiming for my kit to have at least 5 pieces of equipment in them. I am just wondering what things u guys would like to see in a kit please get back to me as soon as you can so i get get started on designing this project. Thankyou

If you have any websites with information about various kits that are also on the market at the moment could u also please send me the link in your reply, the extra info is highly valuable in the development of this project.

I hope to hear some great ideas from you all soon!
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