editing Am I Overdoing These New Effects?

I think if the application of effects is consistent throughout the entire product it will not stand out as "too much" in any one place.

The ending title sequence looked consistent to me.

re: youtube
Duh! :lol:
Already understood that.
C'mon, folks! Wake up! :)
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Thank you, Ray. I just don't want to overdo it.

Since I've been asked by people here in messages why not post these clips on YouTube with no password, well the answer is for security. I want to get it right before it goes public. It's best to show it here and to crew people first to make sure things are going in the right direction. YouTube can wait for the final product.
I actually thought they were pretty cool... You've done a nice job with the greenscreening. The only thing that really stuck out at me was at :20 where the ship is flying away from the explosions in space. They seem a bit weak, and if you watch it a few times, you'll notice they actually start before the clip does, making it seem a bit awkward, like you drag and dropped them in. I'd maybe push them forward a few frames so that's less noticeable.
Thanks Beatlefan 1225. That is doable.

I'll fix that up for the next version.

I'm keep this off YouTube and on Vimeo and password protected until it is ready to embrace the public.

The purpose of creating this prologue was from a suggestion from my script consultant to recap in the beginning of the production the major events in the first I, Creator and bridge it to the new story "With a series of narrations and moving images like you see on TV shows."