All things Assassin's Creed - SPOILERS

This is just a fun thread where fans of Assassin's Creed can discuss anything related to the franchise whether it's characters or events, favourite games in the series, expectations for the future of the franchise or anything else that is relevant to this amazing franchise.

To start the ball rolling I want to express what makes these games so appealing to me and keeps me coming back for more and more in this exciting world that has been created.

1) Altair - the character of Altair is a very layered character but this is revealed more in the novelization of the first game called Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade which is an excellent book that covers his life from when his father was assassinated, the reason why Abbas came to despise him, what happens during the events of the game, what happens after the events of the game - it's a life full of highs and lows involving death and loss.

2) Ezio - this character in my opinion is the best in the entire series because as a gamer and someone who enjoys stories in games I really feel a connection to him, a connection similar to what you would experience watching a character that you enjoy in a film. We follow his life across three games from literally his birth all the way to his death (which occurs during the animated short film Assassin's Creed Embers), which even though it was a natural death it was no less emotional for me to see a character like Ezio die.

3) Ratonhnhaké ton aka Connor Kenway - his journey is also full of loss but whereas Altair and Ezio both lost loved ones Ratonhnhaké ton ended up losing a whole lot more if you take into account the fate that was in store for Native American Indians. But nevertheless he is as strong in determination and will as Ezio proved to be.

It was always going to be difficult to find another character to play as after playing as Ezio for so long but I still think that Ratonhnhaké ton is a great character to play as because you want him to succeed in his hunt for Charles Lee.

4) Desmond Miles - this may be a bit unfair putting him last instead of first but it's not because his character is bad or irrelevant. Desmond's story is one of a young man brought up by Assassin's and wanting to get away from that whole world because he began to feel like he was trapped.

He gets put into this situation against his free will and is forced to enter the Animus to experience the memories of Altair and as a person who values free will I can relate to that. Over the course of the games you want Desmond to discover all that he can about what is going on - who are the Ones Who Came Before, what is his role in all this and other questions that are raised throughout his story.

I still think that there's more to his story even after his death and I wouldn't be surprised if we see him return in some form or another in another game, story or in a film for that matter.

I have focused on the main Assassin characters but there are other secondary characters that are well crafted in this series. I will leave it to others to discuss these and other things related to Assassin's Creed and look forward to reading other people's opinions :)
i enjoyed these games but i got burned out on them. played up until 3 I believe..

game play was just too similar by the end.

I really enjoyed the mingling of history and entertainment, i thought it was a fantastic approach. And the online stuff seemed like it could have been fun but i never had any of my friends play the game. so i was always stuck with random people online and that sucked. maybe if I had a steady partner i could have gotten into the manhunt stuff, etc online