Clive/John - Whilst I like the idea about pre-selling DVD's the issue would be that this would cross swords with the sales agent and potentially could damage profit/return of the territory sales. That said I like the idea so may look at potential a bonus disk that would be unavailable anywhere else except with this offer.

Rik- At the moment all 500 have pledges a min of £5 to the project once the site is up and running. We will be putting in the first £2k as well, so potentially that makes almost £5k start which considering we haven’t even started marketing isn’t a bad start!

What do they see in this? We are marketing it as the opportunity to be involved in a feature film, to own a part of film history. This idea seems to fly with people… the chance of owning part of a film. Also knowing they will get back at least their stake when the film hits profit, based on sales figs we have had in advance.

Most see it as a safe loan where they get a change to donate, get their money back but still be a part of something special.
I'll have some of the marketing materials for this up and running soon and as usual would like to get your thoughts on there effectivness... should be in the next week or so!
Long one coming: This with form the FAQ for the site... any suggestions/comments?

£5.00? Really? Won’t it take forever to raise the money this way?
Yes just £5.00 (The cost of a early performance cinema ticket or a most of a pack of cigarettes) and no, we believe that with the package we have and the marketing behind this idea we can raise the money within 6 months maximum.

What happens if you don’t raise the full budget?
Three options. If, say, we only raise half the amount or more then you will be asked what you wish to do. We can either make the film for the money we have, offer you a full refund plus any interest, or extend the period we have to raise the finance. Either way the choice will be yours.

Can an action film REALLY be done for this little?
Yes. The bulk of the costs for any feature film are the cast and crew costs. Out of the $40million budget for a studio film like Cable Guy, Jim Carrey got in excess of $20 million pay cheque. We have, in conjunction with our experienced US and Australian based producers, set a budget than takes full advantage of new technology and the equipment we have in place. Also with our contacts and the deals we have in place, we know that the money we are looking at raising is more than enough to make a high quality action feature.

Won’t the film look ‘cheap’?
No. Our first feature cost less than 10% of the budget range that is set for FIXERS, yet most people (including leading industry figures like Mark L. Lester, director of Hollywood productions such as Commando and Firestarter) thought the film cost more than 50 times what it did. So if a $10k movie shot in Digital Film can look closer to half a million $ imagine what a £150k film could look like when it’s using some of the best independent talent from around the world, both in front and behind the camera, and cutting edge technology including the latest High Definition Digital Video cameras.

Has this ever been done before?
Yes. A UK director, Nick Love (‘Football Factory’, ‘The Business’) raised half the budget for his latest film this way, over $600k USD. So the precedent has been established, but we want to build on this, making people far more involved in the process and give them a sense of ownership of the film. Something that didn’t happen with Nick Love’s film. Also we are making this accessible to everyone, setting the minimum amount at just £5. In essence we are taking an elitist industry and opening it up to everyone for the first time…

How can a small budgeted UK action film compete with blockbusters like Mission Impossible 3 and the like?
The fact is that we are not competing. We are making a film that, primarily, is targeted for a DVD/home release. So in fact we are looking at competing with straight to DVD films. That said, we hope to have a small theatrical run in the UK which promotes the film’s release. But as far as getting “bang for your buck” goes, all of the money invested will be onscreen. In addition to this the action sequences are being co-ordinated by very experienced professionals who have worked in the Hong Kong and Hollywood film industries. They know how to make the most of the budget and time we have to help us produce a spectacular looking product.

Will the film recoup its money?
We have downside (i.e.: minimum return) estimates of over £200k. That’s a minimum. Now whilst this isn’t guaranteed (and what is in this world?) these figures come from an experienced, industry leading sales agent, with over 20 years selling this type of film. In short he knows what sells and has already signed us up to sell the film when it is completed. This has never happened before on a low budget UK action film.

Why will your film be successful when other UK films have not?
Partly because we have a lean budget that will all end up on screen (no huge star or director – producer salaries here!) and partly because we are working in a tried and tested (and hugely profitable) genre that has international appeal the world over. The film already has a huge potential worldwide audience. Also we have a cast and crew which are second to none, many of whom come with a built in fan base.

Surely with so many action films being made the film will be lost in a sea of straight to DVD movies?
Year on year direct-to-DVD action and horror movies are some of the most profitable movies around. And with Video On Demand, streaming and downloading becoming more prevalent the market place has opened up even more. As technology grows so do new avenues to sell the film and to make a profit. DVD, BluRay, HD-DVD, UMD… there are now more outlets for a film than EVER before.

Why can’t I get a free copy of the film?
If we did that then it would seriously damage the return on investment for the film, and the chances of you getting back your money. However we will be providing exclusive ‘extras’ for investors that will be unavailable ANYWHERE else (downloadable from the site) as well as enough freebies and incentives to make investment on any level worthwhile.

What happens if I change my mind?
Simple. You get a full refund, with any interest accrued, minus any (small) charges like postage etc.

Can I be involved in making the film?
Yes. Although we can only offer certain roles in front and behind the camera due to numbers, we want everyone to be part of the film, to have a real sense of ownership. So we will be offering investors a chance to make key decisions on casting, the editing and marketing of the film. This will be done via online polls, with the results shaping the film. We’ll also be doing things like streaming from filming on-set so you can see, no matter where in the world you are, what we are up to and what we are doing.

What will I get for my money?
It depends on how much you invest. BUT you will at least get your stake money back when the film covers it’s costs, online discounts with retailers, an extras DVD unavailable anywhere else, free short films from the producer/director team, your name on the credits, the DVD, website and in special press advertising, a chance to be part of the filmmaking process, to shape the final film and access to all the legal and financial information. For more information see the investors section on the website…

Why should I trust you with our money?
As far as track records go, ours is pretty impressive. We recouped the costs from our first film, made a small profit, sold it internationally and saw it picked up by a leading Beverly Hills based sales agent. In addition we are backed by some of the UK's leading film, martial arts and action magazines & websites, not to mention major PLC companies and national news media. In short the film will have the highest profile of any film of this kind. Also you will be covered by a legally binding agreement, that will protect your interests.

If it's this easy why isn't everyone doing it?
It isn't easy at all. Making a film takes an extraordinary amount of perseverance, tenacity and know-how. The website alone with the administration, set-up and maintenance will take hours each day alone. As many filmmakers will tell you, making a feature film is never easy. The difference here is we have an experienced and very talented cast and crew, and already have an international sales agent in place. We also have a track record in making profitable feature films, and very much know the target market for the finished product. We know what actually sells and more importantly how to sell it, which again puts us a step above a lot of other productions out there.

How long will it take to recoup the budget and start making a profit?
Estimates are 1 year from the first sales market, which if all goes to plan will be Cannes in May 2007. However this could change depending on how the general climate is at the time. The finished film will start to be sold at the next sales market after it is completed.

When will royalty payments be made?
This has not been decided yet but it is reasonable to estimate that every quarter the profits will be divided up and split amongst the investors. Payment will be made either via online methods, bank transfers or cheque depending on where in the world you are.

What is the worst case scenario for the film as you see it?
The worst case is that we raise the money, the film gets sold but only recoups its budget and investors see their minimum stake back and that’s it (however you will still all receive the extras on offer!). Whilst there are other scenarios, this is the most probable of the ‘worst case’ outlooks. Which isn’t that bad, is it?

I have more questions… who can I ask?
Me! The producers of this film, as well as the cast & crew, will be open for questions all through the process. So if you have a question just email me…
A couple of initial impressions:

Consider adding sections covering these ideas:

How we will keep in contact with you?
We will communicate regularly with all investors via email. (Or maybe: We ask that you regularly visit our website for updates and news.) ......

How will you know when the film has covered its 'costs' and you're eligible to see your stake money returned?
Our accounting department will maintain a current budget tally on a password-protected website for investors to track expenditures.

[And I would advise considering this option for those who can only give a small 'investment'.... the paperwork for a small amount will not be worth the time it will take to account for it. So maybe try this.....]

You can opt to 'donate' rather than 'invest.'
For those who want to be part of this project, but have limited funds to invest, we offer you the opportunit to join a special 'Donation Club.' Members enjoy special the 'behind the scenes' perks, including such and such, and will have their name included in the special DVD credits, etc., etc.. For a simple $5 donation, you can become part of this unique film production and a member of our exclusive Donation Club. You won't have to worry about gaining 'investment' returns or filing special tax forms. Simply join our 'Donation Club' for $5 and you're automatically a part of our production team.

That's all I have off the top of my head right now....