Looking to start testing, finding locations, and shooting a short this winter here in the Adirondacks of NY... But, I am doing a story set in Alaska. Any thoughts on films about Alaska? Outdoors, in the wilderness, on a pond or lake. Not too much snow but in spring or fall, still freezing cold out... Wanting to see some lighting, camera angles, and location ideas. It plays in my head already but if I see something I like can I ask y'all how it was achieved? I also just thought about cold camera's. Do I need to worry? Glide tracks get sticky/slower with the cold I assume, any way around that or just keep it in the truck until ready to shoot? Hoping to test shoot some stuff to get fully accustomed to the camera, using a higher end point and shoot to test with but planning on the DSLR and some other stuff when I reach my initial budget goal of $1500 in the next month and a half. Should be over half way there by next Friday.