
How many distributors have booths at AFM in Santa Monica typically? How many DVD trailers can I expect to give out at one day of AFM? I've got 50 DVD's burned. Hope I'm not gonna run out!
I have the list here from Feb 2004 - I count about 350. You'll drop those 50 in under an hour.
Thanks! I'll be selective! My movie is an unapologetic, tastless comedy so I'm sure not everyone is gonna be into this odd niche genre.
How did AFM go? I hear there's a tyde of change sweaping through the industry at the moment with big news coming...

Always wanted to go to AFM... we dropped around 100 disks in one day at Cannes last year. And I can tell you for a fact getting DVD duplication in Cannes is A) expensive and b) hard to find!

Phil Hobden
-- Modern Life?--
Whose the daddy?
AFM this year was very very interesting. There were 400 seller rooms this year. It seemed to be different because the market skewed towards either really high end movie (Rambo IV was fundraising & preselling terrirories) and very very low budget DV featres ($5,000 or less budget). The middle ground was pretty scarce. It seemed to me that DV features are profitable, but no where near enough to make a career out of them, and they won't be breaking down too many doors to Hollywood.
I wish I had known sonnyboo was going to be out here - I'd've bought you a beer.

I was discouraged to see the middle ground dtv movies not represented. When I see under $10,000 features selling I see the $50,000 to $100,000 getting impossible to finance. Why spend $50k on a movie that will sell for $80k when a $10k movie will sell for $80k?

So how'd you do Blade? Make any connections?
Yes I gave out a few trailers on DVD. I have a touch sell though: tasteless, bathroom humor comedy. Low budget too: 250K. However there were some people who were like "Oh great! Yes. Give me a copy." The trouble with AFM is that lots of the distributors are there but you have to just bump into them by chance because they don't have a room.

Seems like most distributors accept unsolicited material by mail anyway. 250 bucks is a lot to get in the door. How much is it to get into other conventions?