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AE - Track "Clone Stamp" with boujou?

AE - Track "Clone Stamp" with Boujou?

Hi there ^^

How am I supposed to motion track a clone stamp in After Effects with Boujou? What do I do? I know I can use the inbuilt motion tracker in AE, then just copy&paste keyframes from the null (where tracking data exists) to the clone stamp "position", but how do I proceed with Boujou? :hmm:

Thanks in advance.
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Is the bojou aspect that throws this off.

bojou seems a poor choice for simple planar or point tracking for AE.

Also your question is presupposing we know what your trying to do? Tracking a "clone stamp" doesn't make sense to me, but maybe I don't know enough.. ???

Im guessing you mean, you have some blemish or object you want to paint out of the footage by using the clone stamp tool and your trying to have the clone stamp "sick in the right" spot on the footage..

If its like that, then you break down the problem.

First, can you get a successful track of the blemish, thing to remove, etc?
What ever it is you want to do with that tracking data is relevant.

If you post the footage with an explanation of what you want to do, we can easily give options..
Ah, I see.

I have my original footage, then I have my greenscreen footage which I have keyed out. I pre-compose those 2 clips so I can use clone stamp to clone grass over the greenscreened object (to make it look like the object is planted into the grass), but now, how do I track the clone stamp (cloned grass) to stay sticked on the footage?

The greenscreen object sticks on because it is a 3D layer, (that's how you make the things stick on the footage with Boujou), but how do I track the cloned grass?

Reason being I use Boujou, is because there is a lot of motion, and the clips are pretty long, no way I am gonna use AE inbuilt tracker and have to almost go frame by frame to replace the tracking marker thing :)

I hope you got a better understanding now.
So if I get this right you have some footage with grass in it, that you tracked in Boujou. You added some greenscreen footage over that, positioning it with the Boujou tracking data.
And now you want to clone grass from the original footage over the greenscreen layer to make it blend?

Im not really experienced in AE, but can't you do a rotopaint, paint with the clone brush and link the movements of your brush strokes to the Boujou tracking data? Or am I missing something here?
Maybe some screenshots would help :)
yes, I don't see the difference between the green screen footage (which is decidedly NOT a 3d object) and the grass. All are 2d images that you set as 3d layers in AE.

Its been a while since I did Bojou, but I think that bojou is not giving you 3d objects, or a world, what you get is an AE 3d camera solve. (it figures out how you moved the camera in space and recreates that motion in an AE camera ) the "footage" you used to create the camera solve remains a 2d layer. However, you add other layers as 3d layers and then your AE camera can see them as if they are in 3d space.

Any layer, set to 3d can be positioned it the 3d space, positioning it so that it shows up in the camera view is up to you.

OK, I think thats right..
I did it! :cool:

How should I explain this.

1. I duplicated the original footage, and then I pre-composed the duplicated footage, I call the composition "grass layer". I duplicate the footage so I can see what I am cloning, just as a reference.

2. Then I applied a clone stamp on that pre-composed footage, 'grass layer', and starting cloning the grass.

3. When I was done, I opened the clone properties on the 'grass layer comp', and changed the "Clone source" to be the original footage from the original composition.

4. And whabam! Now I can just delete the duplicated footage inside the "grass layer" comp, and have the grass only thing visible, and make the 'grass layer' a 3D layer, so it sticks on the footage

0.o You deserve a cake if you managed to understand what I wrote above. Maybe I can just show it in pictures if needed :P