advertising revenue?

in online world a lot of money is being made and spend by people and companies to advertise their products.
but hence this being a film place, and one of my New years resolutions is to start a few video series and direct many more films, advertising revenue should pop into mind...

i think everybody knows that youtube has adsense program with google regarding video advertising for people to apply for the program, and possibly earn some money (the ammount is left as "some" because it's determined by the creators work)...
in addition i found another place called ....because of one of the people who I follow on youtube just lost his partnership and moved on to there...seems that they are a lot more flexible with adverts there as well...

but the question lies as this....
are there are any other places that support that sort of advertising besides


Because I am sure a lot of "indie" and "non indie" video makers would like to earn a little bit of money for their work.
Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge.
I don't really have an answer for you question.

But on a side note, I don't really think true filmmakers are making money on YouTube or the like. The videos that fair better on YouTube are those that go viral, usually with corky or over-the-top scenes. Those people are making and posting several videos a week. Technical proficiency is not important in their world. They have their own style and a fan base. We, filmmakers, are making movies more grounded and serious. Think of that boy Fred. Is that really what you wanna do?

Having said that, you could make some money on the long run with an AdSense account and YouTube videos. Or you could just decide to give the audience what they want. Forget about serious filmmaking and go for the fat paycheck online.

Does this make sense?
Actually I have to correct ya there, a lot of big film makers, are putting their work there, in a way as their portfolio, trust me i've seen that done hundreds of times, such as the half life 2 movie, etc.
That boy fred as you call him, is making over 200k a year of youtube alone,
and do "indie" film makers make....I feel that to be not close to that at all, trust me I've known numerous film makers, most of them share an apt with other people to split the rent, and having regular jobs...and who wants that....nobody.
if adsense could keep you from losing time, and fully dedicating yourself to movie making, creating a calid portfolio and getting paid for it all in one time, why wouldnt you do it.
people like justin beiber and others have been discovered on youtube and simular places on it, internet is going to take over television eventually, thats pretty much something we can't control, so why not just take advantage of a given opportunity.

Going back to main topic, I've directed/produced/wrote anything from action shorts, full lenths, talk shows, reviews, comedies, etc. so the answer to your question is yes, I would wanna be one of those "youtubers"...

and to go with technical proficiency is not being required, I am sad to inform that they know their craft, and trust me, they have better knowledge same or even greater knowledge of the film world, then "indie" people...

Once again going back to Fred...he started as an actor on youtube...and look at him now, just finished recently being part of a nick movie, co starting with actors like John Cena, the face of WWE....

I am not trying to come as insulting on indie guys, trust me i've been here for a while and learned a lot from people on this forum.
But your definitely not giving the internet world enough credit. that being said....
any other ideas regarding it?