archived-videos Advanced Placement - SciFi

Hi all,

Here is my team's non-winning entry from this year's NYCMMMM contest. Our assigned genre was "Sci Fi" and the topic was "a contest". Even though we ended up crunching the entire production into 4 days with only 1 day of shooting, I have to admit that this did not turn out as well as I had hoped. It was a serious case of not being able to make the movie we intended and having to work with what we had available to us. Still, it could have been worse and there are a number of things in here that I do like.

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That was pretty cool. It had a Classic Twilight Zone feel to it. It was a bit predictable when the presentations were over, but not so much that it took away from the enjoyment of the short. The boys were pretty good actors. The lady was not.

I like it....Good Job!
CommanderGoat said:
That was pretty cool. It had a Classic Twilight Zone feel to it.

Thanks for watching Goat. That was pretty much the vibe we were aiming for.

Casting this thing turned out to be a major pain. In the original concept, it was going to be a science fair instead of an interview and the kids were going to be much younger. And the ending was going to be totally different, funnier, cutesy even. We just couldn't get a big enough cast and locations together in time, so we ended up re-working the whole story and writing the script around this presentation idea with the two teenagers that we could shoot all in one location. In the script, one of the kids was supposed to be a girl, but the talent fell through and we ended up going with two boys. Then, two of the three actors we had lined up for the judges fell through, forcing us to use less experienced talent. For a brief moment it looked like I might have to play one of the judges, which left me wondering how I was going to act and shoot at the same time.

Hmmm, maybe I can still use our original idea for the round 2 indietalk contest? Just gotta work in some TP.
That was great!

I was going to say it was like something straight out of Twilight Zone, as well. Love that kind of stuff.

That dark-haired kid was awesome, laying out all the facts like he did. I bet he could have a conversation with Art Bell and keep a straight face, too. :lol:
I liked it. Great idea for a plot. It was a little long and drawn out for MY taste (especially at the end...the judges kept repeating themselves), but a lot of people like that, so great job.
At first, I thought the boys outshone the judges, but after the ending I thought to myself, "Who acted more like Martians trying to be humans?"

Hmmmmmmmmmm ....

Good job, Ahab. I agree with Goat and Zen, it did feel like it could've fit in an episode of The Twilight Zone. But I also agree with Logan, the ending did drag on a bit too much.

Yeah! I just found out that one of the young actor's from the film was chosen as the Best Lead Actor in our heat. The announcement is on

I'm very happy for Peter. He came into the production at the last possible second when I was having trouble finding young actors. He was also late for his play rehearsal just a few days before the show opened so he could do the shoot. His part was also originally written for a girl!