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actual requests

verbatim from InkTip.com

Company X (is looking for)

... something in the vein of “Ordinary People” meets “Virginia Wolf” meets “Klute.”

Company Z (asks that)

... scripts submitted should have a very high degree of horror, which is to say there should be more horror and less character development in the script.

Dang... I don't know what audience I'm writing for these days! :lol:
Now... time to pen that low-budget lesbian volleyball rom-com! :yes:
Make them vampires and I have a prodCo for you...
Volleyball Vampires! I can see the one-sheet already! :lol:

Tag line: "Watch out for the spike!"
GL with that, 2001.
I'm writing the low-budget lesbian vampire rom-com version.
But your's is okay.


Maybe we can sell 'em together as a bookend combo pack! :woohoo: