archived-videos Action Short Film

Not bad. I really enjoyed the camera movement in the action scenes. I just wonder why you titled it in such a 'spammy' way. If it's to get hits from people who are looking for fishing/poaching affairs, you've tricked them. They won't wanna watch it after a couple of minutes. And if you want short film enthusiasts to see it, they won't. I almost didn't watch it because of how it was titled. I think you should retitle the video, it's going to do you more harm than you think. Aside from that, good job. Where did you shoot it? For how much? How long did it take? Is it shot for any specific audience/festival?
I couldn't think of a title for the movie. I just put some words that were relating to it. I shot it in canada toronto where I use to go to school At ryerson university. It didn't cost too much, we spent everything on food maybe about $100. It took about 1 day to film everything, this was just for fun just to meet some friends that we haven't seen for a long time.
I thought it was really well done. Had a really really strong voice for something you just did for fun.

That car wreck scene was really good and took me by complete surprise.