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Acoustic Singer/Songwriter wanting to contribute songs for film soundtracks

Hi All,

I write and record folk, alt country styled acoustic songs which can be heard on my Reverbnation profile (follow link below).

I'd love to contribute my music to a soundtrack, no fee required as songwriting is my hobby not my job (albeit a passionate one!)

The audio quality is excellent even though I record at home, as I use high end guitars, mics, etc.

You'll get the general idea from the streamed audio on Reverbnation, I'm happy to send the mp3's at the proper high bitrates (320kbps) to anyone who's interested.

I'd also be interested in composing something on request, it would need to be in a similar style to my existing songs though.
Please feel free to email me if you want to discuss any potential projects.
Hey Steve,

Why don't you quit and do music professional? I did that and believe me it makes a big difference. It is tough life but it is worth. I checked your songs and you play because you love to play and that is great! I am and do the same way.

Would not be enough places to play in Melbourne, or there are plenty of musicians looking for places to play? Here it is not easy but with hardwork you can get somewhere I believe though.

I let you know if I know something in Switzerland. I recently moved here so have no contacts yet.

Giving your music for a good film it is a great thing.

Take care and lot more music,

