Accessories/Equipment for Canon 550d?


Been using my Canon 550d to make short films on youtube with for around 1 year now. I have never done too much research into what sort of accessories I should get for the camera in order to help with my filming. I have a few lenses that I got, nothing that special though. However I want to increase my knowledge and improve my films now that I have the budget to do so.

I spend most of my time filming outdoors, so bright light becomes quite a big problem when it comes to filming and I have never known a way around it.

I guess my question is, what sort of basic equipment should I be looking at to enhance the camera? Literally anything from lenses to mounts.

Budget? Gear you already have? Link to your channel?


Follow Focus/Matte Box System:

Good Lenses:

I'd grab a good zoom, then a 35mm, 50mm, and 85mm, as well as a good wide angle lens. Then some ND filters and polarizers if you can't make the scene darker without messing with the shutter speed.

External Monitor or Viewfinder attachment:


Check out this thread:
For the bright light issue, get yourself an ND filter. A variable one is great, otherwise get a set. That will block out a lot of light, allowing you to set your aperture where you want for DOF, rather than having to set it to block out unwanted light.