archived-videos abstract short, see what ya think

"My name is a killing word"


I recognise that from Frank Herbert's "Dune".

Followed by a transition from male to female? I'm assuming that's connected somehow... aside from that, I really don't get it.

Care to elaborate some? :cool:

I liked the clone effects at the park, and the final change at the very end.

But holy blow-out, Batman! (when she opens the door to leave.)
Zensteve said:
"My name is a killing word"


I recognise that from Frank Herbert's "Dune".

Followed by a transition from male to female? I'm assuming that's connected somehow... aside from that, I really don't get it.

Care to elaborate some? :cool:

I liked the clone effects at the park, and the final change at the very end.

But holy blow-out, Batman! (when she opens the door to leave.)
zensteve thanks for the comments, To be honest I could make up good story about the connection between the male and female. But there wasn't anything intentional aside from what I have available to work with. The blown out white bit, I was aiming to try and get a back lit silohette type look that didn't quite work out exactly right.
Hello fellow Ohio-an!

Since this was a project to see what you can do with in the editing room...

I thought the clone part at the beginning was a little too long. The rest has pretty good pacing. Nice effects as well.

I like the first 70% of the clip better somehow - cinematography, color, style. When the girl goes outside, it changes to a more "point-and-shoot"hand held style (too inconsistent with beginning I think).

As with the male/female comparison...both watch lots of TV?

Anyway, just some thoughts that came to mind.

Btw, was this shot in Strongsville? Looks like Strongsville...:)
Hey thanks for the comments, Looking back now I agree with a lot of what you said. When the girl goes outside it doesn't feel quite like it fits, because the color and camera are different. with the guy it was all tripod, with the girl it was all steadicam. Also the guy was on overcast day and girl was sunny day. I agree on the clone part, I've already done things to shorten it up some but it still feels a bit long.

not shot in strongsville, shot in columbus.
I thought it was very well done. The editing was good. I liked the music. too. You should really make a movie. I know it's a lot of work, but what you did, to me, is very talented.