About the Indie Gathering...

...Okay, guys, its officially Monday, so lets go, give us the scoop on the Indie Gathering! since some of us couldn't make it.

...sooooo? how'd it go? Was it great?.... I personally want all the gory details! :lol:

--spinner :cool:
each day we had about 250+ people attending and man, all the comments I keep hearing is it's a lot of fun, there's great synergy, and everyone worked their ass off networking!

Movies, some good, some decent, some unfortunately have small crowd, but everyone seems to enjoy it

Lecture wise, some had about 10 people, some had about 50, there's a total of 19 hours of lecture from Saturday and Sunday and since spectators can pay a weekend pass of $25 and go to all of these plus the film festivals, and with over 20 vendor booths set up, I think that's WAY worth the attendance fee for general public.

The awards are HUGE, some already is having problem to figure out how to take it home (flying), Kathy Fitzgerald, whom helped in A Joker's Card also, she's from Boston and her movie Rings of the Bishop won 1st place feature thriller and got this 5' tall trophy... so you can imaging how she's trying to get it back home :)

A Joker's Card and Guys both were the most enjoyed short films by the crowd, the films were shown daily and we got many who went one day telling others to go check it out the next day. My film got a lot of positive feedback and people keep telling me that they've heard from others how great the film is and it is one of the NEED to be watched film.

Because of that, I sold 8 copies of the movie in 2 days (only brought in 10, didn't think anyone would want it), and gave 2 away (1 to Michael Barryman, one to Alan Gouldberg)...

and everyone I've met had a great time, we all enjoyed talking to each other and socialize, in fact, I've get to KNOW the people more indepth than just from once in a month get-together.

So, I would say it's a success overall :) and everyone just can't seem to be able to wait till next year, that will be in August..

Johnny Wu
i was wondering how Jokers Card played, i wasnt able to make it out. I am glad it went so well, cant wait to get my hands on a copy.
Cleveland Magazine, a prestigious local magazine about the city. This month, June 2005, there's me featured in an article under Arts & Entertainment and of course, IndieClub is mentioned, check it out :) (Scanned the pages, might be huge file)

Article from Cleveland Magazine at MDI site at www.mdifilm.com