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watch A trailer to our debut short film - Contract

Action film trailer -Contract Guns, helicopters, planes

Hi guys,

I have been looking for a community like this for ages, so I am so pleased to have found it.
This is a trailer I edited together for a film that I got heavily involved with. I would appreciate thoughts and feedback.

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Hey again, it was a nicely cut trailer. Everything seemed to be on time and in tune, idk how much if any was actually shot by you, so I can't comment of actors/cinematography/effects/etc. But the editing itself was good. Coloring in parts though probably not in your hands was off, in the case that I could noticeably tell. All films might change in color from location to location/day to night, but have the same shades no matter where.
It looks interesting, only the first few seconds really tell us what is going on though (this isn't necessarily bad...)
Well edited by the looks, what was weird I thought was some shots looked highly professionally, like the first three or four, but a lot of the indoor shots were fairly amateurish: there seemed to be a strange contrast.
Well cut trailer though :)
Hi guys,

A Lot of it was shot by me, and the other director. This is our first real effort at a no/low budget short. In true indie style, we made the most of what we had. The colouring has changed drastically since the trailer was cut.

I am really pleased that you dont really know what is going on, as I hate trailers that give away so much of the plot, but there is enough in there that once you see the final thing, it actually gives away more than you can think.

Its been a huge collaborative and learning process. The final film has some really impressive visual effects, sourced from various forums, and its own original score, by a name that I am sure you will see in features eventually. The sound design has been all done by a real genius as well. I cant wait for it to be finished and out there. As I have another one I am developing.

I love this community. thanks for the feedback
Slight update to the trailer as the first versions colour was really way off what I wanted, and also some of the shots where out of time. Only a few changes, but I hope you all watch and subscribe. The full short film will be out in January, its taken almost a year.
