A totally awesome Indi film

I saw this film called "" Brother to Brother", its absolutely great. Its a drama that looks back on the Harlem Renaissance from the viewpoint of a black writer who meets a gay teenager in a New York homeless shelter.

This movie is so realistic and so moving. Its being played in alot of film festivals. So Check it out, its really worth it.
stacestaci said:
I saw this film called "" Brother to Brother", its absolutely great. Its a drama that looks back on the Harlem Renaissance from the viewpoint of a black writer who meets a gay teenager in a New York homeless shelter.

This movie is so realistic and so moving. Its being played in alot of film festivals. So Check it out, its really worth it.
Sounds interesting. What festival did you see it in? Do you know where it's playing next? Were you involved in the making of this movie? It's would interesting if you could share some experiences with us.

Oh yeah. Welcome to IndieTalk!
I saw it in New York, actually a friend took me to see it. I'm not involved in it, I just thought that it was a really good film, besides I think Indie films are some of the best films out there.
I beleive it was NYC lesbian and gay film festival. I don't think its beign played everywhere so check online. Totally worth it.
Wow...sounds like they really dug for the two worst possible personal scenarios during that era. Likely they would become friends, huh? :no:
Almost saw that last night at the Laemmle on SUnset but I just had to see "The Machinist" instead and let me tell you Christian Bale is my hero. What an amazing actor. Not just cause he lost so much weight you think it woulda killed him but he's just great.

Just rented a really great film called "Suspicous River" w/ Molly Parker that should hav gotten more attention. A very good film.

ANother great indie, one of my favorites, is "Plain Dirty". A very unusual love story, great cinematography and a beautiful haunting score. There's also a good short by the dir. on the DVD.

anyways, just thought I'd share some other great indies w/ u, gotta check out "Brother to Brother". ANthony Mackie is proving to be a great talent. Just last year our short was up against a short starring him, now he stars in Spike Lee movies and so on. Wow! Big jump.