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A Teaser For IC2 2012


Should I make an NTSC version as well as an HD version of the teaser to post on the IC2 Promo page on my web site?

More people than not still don't have computers that support HD and Bluray.
Should I make an NTSC version as well as an HD version of the teaser to post on the IC2 Promo page on my web site?

YouTube automatically makes SD and low res versions. When you EMBED the code, select the frame size that is SD.

Honestly Mr. Cervello, I don't know why you ask questions when all you do is tell people they are wrong.

Can you show me a trailer that has nearly full screen fonts used to say "PRESENTS"? Can you show me a TEASER TRAILER that has the each company logo for :11 seconds or more? If so, are they complete unknowns? Even on the DARK KNIGHT teaser and trailer 1, each company logo is on screen for LESS than :01 second each, roughly :03 for 4 companies; each one a with a great deal more recognition than yours. Modern day TEASER trailers incorporate some footage from the actual movie and NONE are just a single shot held for :20-:30 seconds where the actors stare blankly into the camera, and even without a camera move.

Just hold in your excitement until you can cut a proper teaser with actual footage and material that will entice viewers into seeing the movie. Be patient and put your energy into editing or FX for the actual movie. Marketing a movie that no one will see for several months and has no distribution is a waste of time at this level. This isn't THE HOBBIT or THE DARK KNIGHT where putting out a trailer 6 months beforehand builds excitement. There is no built in audience for I, CREATOR or a fan base that is desperate to see any footage.
I get what you are saying Mr. Ross.

Presents is gone here:


What is stuck in my mind is what everyone from the script consultant to people at work are saying, push the fact that science fiction meets magic. That's what can give it the edge.

When this clip is ready, it will make that point in the trailer:

http://vimeo.com/34508844 PW is mdmpllc

Damn it! I just noticed I have to digitally remove another object from the picture frame of a shot in the scene on vimeo in the above link before the final cut.

I equate this more to Underworld than Dark Knight. The trailers for Underworld Awakening are awesome. Action needs to be properly sound scored to become something that captivates both sound and vision. It is a dance that must be in sync to the music.
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I equate this more to Underworld than Dark Knight. The trailers for Underworld Awakening are awesome. Action needs to be properly sound scored to become something that captivates both sound and vision. It is a dance that must be in sync to the music.

I think it's more 1960's STAR TREK or 1970's DOCTOR WHO, but that's just from what I've seen. There are many fans still around for both of those.

If you need the time for the audio, then WAIT FOR IT. You only have one chance to make a FIRST impression. Save it until you can do something that is more final, more what you really truly want the film to be represented by. I understand the excitement and need to "get it out there" but having four girls standing for a minute with a title isn't going to do anything for anyone.
The teaser is actually the dvd intro he had a long time ago. I don't really think it is much of a teaser. He should just wait and put out a trailer.

I looked at the fight scene and it needs more editing to make it quicker. I think it had too many wide shots and needs to show more of the close up shots. Maybe just edit down the wide shots more. I agree that the sound could be better too. Overall the current impression I am getting is the vibe of Power Rangers or something like that as far as quality of the footage, acting, costumes. Sorry to say. I guess to me it is more of a comedy the way it is. I don't think too many people will take it seriously.

The cgi is pretty cheesy too but fits with the rest of it. Do the best you can with what you got. Improving the sound would help a lot. Improving the editing of the footage to make it flow better would help too.

If you are looking to make this like Underworld or Dark Knight as far as visuals and quality you have a long way to go. You will not make it with this production. But maybe you will do better in the future. I don't mean to put down what you have done. We all know it is not easy and expensive and time consuming to even get as far as you have. It takes time, experience, money, the right crew, the right actors, the right post production, etc.... to get the quality needed to reach the realm of Dark Knight or Underworld. Good luck.

My thought is you need a better DP, actors, editing, sound design, and cgi for your next project. Don't give up on your dreams sometimes it just takes time and experience to get where you want to be.
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I'm thinking the sound score will be more up to date. Star Trek? Yes. I'm a fan. Space 1999 too. As I've said before, I'm a Gerry Anderson fan.

I fixed the scene and successfully edited out the drop cloth that was showing behind the falling alien after he got popped in the chops with the chain.

Part of the pickup footage this Spring is to get more shots for this fight. The axe breaks over the arm of the cyborg when the silver demon hunter attacks her. But, we don't see that without close-ups. We will get the close-ups.

I was watching the making of Lost In Space. It was informative to see how they used 4 different size models of the spaceship, the Jupiter 2 in the series. My prop master informed me this week the model for Andromeda the AI stealth ship is coming out great. There will be a CGI version of Andromeda for some of the scenes.

Not all the cgi is meant as final. I roughed out the CGI in some scenes where 3D animation, the model of Andromeda, and new footage will replace some of the footage after the Spring shoot and 3D animators will create 2 scenes from scratch. It makes the job of explaining what I want easier with visuals.
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Sounds like your making steps in the right direction Modern Day Myth. Hope it all works out for you. Maybe you will make enough on IC2 to make IC3. Good luck.
Sounds like your making steps in the right direction Modern Day Myth. Hope it all works out for you. Maybe you will make enough on IC2 to make IC3. Good luck.

That's the goal rockerrockstar. Thank you.

The goal is to concentrate the marketing to cable TV networks and small TV networks who cannot afford their own studios to make their own shows and movies and generally buy from producers and production companies.
I was just watching a bunch of trailers from horror film distributors who friended me on FB.

My green 3D font looks like productions they distribute with red and white instead of green and the audio quality of IC2 is actually better than their stuff. Some of the action and special effects of IC2 looks better than these B-movie horror releases too.

I hope to get more titling and 3D type facing software in the future to make my cards look higher budge. Right now, I have to use what I can afford.

It's good to see things are getting better.
If I Creator is in any way shape or form has horror in it, send it to BRAIN DAMAGE. You'll never see a penny, but it will be distributed.